Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 150-156/194 - We found out our area office!

Wednesday - Tuesday, Week 22 & Week 23!
I have been so busy lately, that I haven't had very much time to at all to write. However, last Friday the cadets found out where they will all be going! Turns out the cadets were pretty smart and Kev's prognostication proved remarkably accurate! We are staying in the East Bay! This has by far been the most exciting moment at the academy and with only 38 days left to graduation day, our spirits are high and our momentum is at full speed!

Last week was busy for Kev! The cadets started DUI training and field sobriety tests. Kev said it was pretty fun and is again enjoying the hands-on training. They did more report writing and learned to use the accident mapping computer program. They also completed their 100 forms to log their achievements, need for improvement and gigs for the month.

Kev called me as soon as he was on his way home on Friday and the first thing I said when I answered the phone was "did you find out!?" He said, "Yep!" What an exciting moment that was! I am full of emotions but unfortunately I don't have much time to allocate to writing today - it is once again closing week and since I was on vacation until yesterday, I have a lot to catch up on! But I really want to write down our feelings and plan for the next few weeks and I will soon :)

Over the weekend, I had a bachelorette party in Austin, TX and Kev went to his family cabin with his parents. Thankfully, he was able to make a special drive down to spend the night with me Friday before we both took off in the morning. It was the first weekend we spent apart since the academy started, but technically we still saw each other ;) The cadets had Monday and Tuesday off for the 4th of July, so Kev was able to get a little extra rest in order to recharge and finish strong.

We are almost there CTC 1-16!!

- Mimi

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