Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 1 & Done!!

Monday, Day 1, Week 1!
Today my phone went off a 5 am with a text from Kev. I was already laying there half awake so I quickly grabbed for the phone to call him. He sounded excited and ready to get started. It was a quick chat with more I love you and you can do it talk. He called me once more at 6:45 when he was headed over to the academy. I felt a little better then, honestly the anticipation of the 'unknown' seems to be the hardest part right now. I was on Bart headed to work in the city when 7:30 hit. I just kept picturing what I saw on orientation day in the videos of the first day - bags were thrown in a pile, the cadets were lines up and the yelling began.

It was time to focus a little on me in order to distract myself. My grandma had heart surgery this morning, so I was worrying about her and waiting for my Mom to call when she was out of surgery. Thankfully she did well and is in recovery now. At work, this is the last week to finish closing the fiscal year amongst a plethora of other projects with approaching deadlines. Typical SF start-up life. So, I am by no means short of things to think about!

I was on Bart heading home around 6:45 when I got a text from Kev! He said he would be able to call me later. I was so excited, because I had prepared myself for the possibility that I may not hear from him. I was home and changing for the gym when he called. It was so good to hear from him because I had been stressing all day wondering how his day was going and worrying about my grandma. To brief you, this week at the academy is supposed to be 'orientation week'. They said yesterday, that it is the first time they are doing this in an effort to cut down attrition at the academy. Apparently the average attrition rate is 40%. So, while this week is still going to be difficult for the cadets, it's intended to set a precedent as to why they are so tough on you. The cadets are also supposed to have phone access in the evenings this week and they should be able to come home at noon on Friday (only this first week). PT is said to start next week.

So here is what Kev said:
- There wasn't much yelling today, the officers were kind (way different than we both expected)
- They handed out stress management information (for their career in CHP, not just as a cadet)
- He likes his roommates, who are from down South
- Most of the day was spent in the classroom going over their HR paperwork and SOP (standard operating procedures)
- He says their first test will be on the SOPs on Monday
- Food wasn't bad and the living space is doable
- They were assigned a 'company' and 'squad' so that they can be split up into smaller groups for different courses 
- Beds were pre-assigned
- There is a cleaning service for their restrooms (with 12 guys, lucky them!)

 I can't tell you how much better I felt after hearing his day wasn't too stressful. So far, he seems happy and excited which makes me feel better too. After talking to him I headed to the gym and had a great workout! If Kev is going to be dieting and doing PT daily, I sure as hell am not letting him look better than me;) Today is day one of my ramped up diet and exercise plans! 

I got to chat with Kev one last time before he went to bed. I hope he sleeps okay tonight in his new home. I definitely can't get him off my mind and can't imagine how much more I am going to miss him as time goes on. Here we go, day one is done! 

- Mimi

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