Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Day 9/194

Tuesday, Week 2!
Last night I came home from work early because I wasn't feeling well. Early, meaning I left at 5 pm which is a short day in the SF start-up world. I was feeling sick all day, so I went home, took some medicine and passed out by 7. Kev called around 8:30. I woke up right away to talk to him but unfortunately I was a little groggy from the medicine. I miss Kev so much right now, especially since I am sick too. If he were here, I know he would be by my side helping me feel better. It's hard not having him around as much and the reality of the length of time he will be away becomes more real every day. I'm just trying not to let it get to me.

Kev's spirits are really high. Surprisingly, he seems excited by the strict regiment of the academy. He also says he kicked his cold and thinks it's because of all the water he is forced to drink there. He says his class is now studying the learning domains and they already have a bunch of tests coming up. He has a test on domain 2 on Thursday and domain 3 on Friday, then Monday he has a test on the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures). In addition to a lot of class work, Kev and his class also learned how to shine the brass yesterday. Apparently, every Wednesday the Juniors have to take time to shine all the brass on the campus from the door knobs to the kick stands. 

That was about the extent of our conversation yesterday since I was so sick and exhausted. Kev seemed to have a lot to do anyhow, such as studying and preparing for the next day so I guess it worked out. I felt a little sad this morning though since I didn't have the chance to chat with him for very long. Before he left for the academy, we spent every night together and I called him every day on my way home from work. I really hope this gets easier and more natural for us both soon. On a positive note, there are only a couple more days until the weekend and our first Valentine's Day together! I can't wait :) 

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