Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Day 22/194 - Start of Week 4!

Monday, Week 4!
How is it already week 4?! It still seems like an unbelievably long road ahead but I hope the pace continues the way it is. Work has been going well for me, even though the particular start-up I work for has had a whirl wind of bad press lately. However, I guess you can say that has been keeping things interesting on the forefront. I also went to dinner with a good girlfriend after work and it was so nice to catch up and feel like I actually did something other than work and wait for Kev to come home ;)

Kev text me around 6:30 PM when I was heading home and said he had a quick break before drill. When we talked after dinner, he was polishing his boots and brass for inspection the next day. The blue tooth has been a true blessing for us! He told me what drill is - basically it's learning how to march in place in unison. The details didn't sound particularly fun. He also received a 90% on his sex crimes test. I get so excited to hear when he does well on a test. He said he learned about crimes against children and more about officer casualties today. Some of the stories he told me that were shared with him are pretty terrible. I told him I hope he only has to save puppies and kitties in his career (kidding of course!) but he says its a good reminder of why his job is so important - to help people. Still no gun yet, but I know he can't wait!

That's about it for our Monday. We didn't get to Carmel over the weekend but we are looking forward to this coming weekend. My parent's are going to Mexico, so we are escaping my two roommates and housesitting for the weekend alone! I love my roomies, but the idea of the house to ourselves is amazing. We hope to lay pool side and BBQ if the weather is nice enough, let's cross our fingers :)

- Mimi

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