Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Day 15/194 - Start of Week 3!

Monday, Week 3!
I had the day off for President's Day and couldn't have been happier. It felt so nice to relax! I laid out in the sun down by the pool and read some of "A CHiP on my Shoulder" for about an hour in the morning. I shut my eyes for a bit and then got changed to go to my hair appointment. I went a little darker and got a fresh trim. It was nice to be pampered and to chit chat for a bit. My mom's best friend owns the salon and my girlfriend works there and does my hair, so it was nice to catch up with both ladies for a while. I haven't really seen my friends a lot lately, so it was refreshing to have some girl time. I dropped by my parents after the salon and then decided to grab an early dinner with my mom. We had such a nice evening catching up. I was just saying good bye and walking to my car when Kev called around 6:30 PM. Here is a little summary of the first Monday of week 3!

- He started the morning off with breakfast and PT. More calisthenics and obstacle courses, followed by a mile and a half run. Again, he did great with push ups, pull ups, and even the course but struggled with the run. He had to stop to catch his breath and unfortunately didn't make time.

- They tested cadets for the training table today. Kev is 13% body fat so is not on the table. Men are able to be 16% and women can be 20%. That meant Kev went for the cookies after dinner;)

- They are still being tested by the staff officers any chance they get. Kev has been doing well with the spontaneous quizzes, but his roommate missed a few and has 3 'gigs' total now (gigs are blue cards) so now he lost his Wednesday liberty.

- An officer came in during classroom time and had the cadets pull the trigger of a gun 34X on each hand. Kev had no problem, but said a couple people couldn't do it.

- He found out he got a 100% on the learning domain test he took on Friday.

- He had a test today on the SOP's and he thinks he did okay but could have done better. He says he needs to relearn 'how to test'. He knows the material but needs to improve on testing. There are a few more tests this week too. The pace is definitely picking up.

- The one CHP shirt we made that he had to turn in, was returned to him to darken his name on the back. Those took us forever to measure and make perfect, so the officers sure hurt my feelings when I heard that ;)

- We FaceTimed before bed and decided we want to do that more often to see each other's faces. When we saw each other on Friday, it felt like it had been forever since we had seen each other! I have only seen his buzzed head a handful of times too, so it is still new to me. We continue to buzz it every Sunday before he leaves.

- I believe Kev said they are down 3 cadets so far. One was left by his parents at his hotel after Orientation, panicked and never came to day 1, and another quit after the first day of PT. I'm not sure why the 3rd cadet left.

Anyhow, that's about it for today! I can't believe we are already on week 3. I hope the weeks continue to fly by. All I keep thinking about is graduation day and getting to move in with Kev after the academy! There are so many good things to come after we get through this!

- Mimi

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