Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day 10/194

Wednesday, Week 2!
Okay, so first a little background on the days I am writing about. This post is day 10 / week 2 but because I typically hear from Kev late in the evening, I am typically writing about the day prior. So today is Thursday (Day 11) but I am writing about yesterday (day 10). I am also counting the weekends as days at the academy since Kev has to study and do academy 'errands' on those days as well.  Hope that helps clarify!

So now, about day 10! Kev text me around 5:30 yesterday when he finished up his class work for the day and got his first Wednesday liberty! He seemed pretty excited to have liberty and was getting ready to go get some dinner off campus with his roommates. Kev called me when he got back from dinner and said they ended up going to In-N-Out followed by Krispy Kreme, Trust me, I was shaking my head too! Apparently it was an attempt to carb-load prior to their first first PT coming up the next day and he insists they burn off all the food the academy supplies them! Kev said it tasted so good and they saw a lot of other cadets out too. He said everyone was chatting and catching up, and that for the most part all the cadets are really friendly with each other.  He said his day went well and the learning pace is picking up. He was shining his boots while talking to me on his bluetooth and says they are finally getting really shiny! The bluetooth is great because Kev can shine his shoes or prep for the next day and talk to me at the same time. His day was mostly class work again and he said the staff officers quizzed them while they waited in line for the bathroom. Kev says he knew the answer when they got to him;) Good job babe! We caught up for a bit longer and he asked me about my day too, which he always makes sure to do. I really just want to kick this cold and feel better already. Then I had to let him go because he had to study for his first test the next day and get all of his things ready. Kev has his Masters in Criminal Justice though, so he says it's nice that most of the stuff they are learning now is review for him. Regardless, I keep telling him to study hard! The graduating cadet's badge numbers are given based on what number you graduate in your class, or in other words how well you do in comparison to your peers. So, I keep telling him to work really hard and get 'us' a good badge number! ;) 

- Mimi

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