Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Day 16/194

Tuesday, Week 3!
I was planning on going to the gym after work today but unfortunately I had to work late to finish the close, and ended up staying at the office until 7:45 PM. I was hoping to make time for cardio followed by yoga at 8:30 PM but those plans were out the window since it takes me an hour to get home. I haven't been able to work out as much as I had hoped, but I lost 10 pounds from being sick! Not the best way to tone up for summer, but I'll take it;) Kev called me right as I was wrapping up at the office and we talked for a bit on my walk to BART, then we decided we would just FaceTime when I got home.

I made some quick eggs, washed my face, and jumped on FaceTime! I missed him a lot. It's easy to feel lonely when your cadet is away, and I find myself constantly waiting for Friday and then when Friday rolls around, I'm dreading Sunday the whole time! It's a cycle I need to learn to break, and to just enjoy the moment. Anyhow, Kev's spirits weren't as high during this call. While on FaceTime, he was making a new CHP PT shirt because his last one was kicked back.. again! It seems it wasn't because it wasn't dark enough, but because it was 7 inches from the neckline, not 6 inches per the instructions. Apparently we measured to the top of the stencil, not the top of the actual letters. I can't believe how much work these shirts turned out to be, and I feel bad that I didn't help Kev do it right the first time so he didn't have to stress about a T-shirt amidst everything else mid-week. Of course, he was sweet about it though, and didn't seem to mind. He said he got his first gig today, followed by another one shortly after. He was walking in the hall with his coffee and held his coffee in his right hand for a few moments while reaching for something in his bag. Before he knew it, a staff officer walked past him and then backed up to circle and observe him. He was then given a gig for holding his coffee in his right hand, his gun hand. The SOPs say that you must always keep your gun hand free. Kev says now that the cadets have taken the SOP test, staff officers are passing out gigs left and right. Then when Kev had to turn in his gig to the staff office, he was reprimanded for his stance, asked if he was there to quit, told to save his disappointed look for his own time, and given ANOTHER gig for his attention stance not being to par. Kev said he felt pretty disappointed and didn't want to be seen as 'that guy'. However, I told him he was bound to get a gig sooner or later and it is just a reminder to keep his head in the game and not to get too cocky. He can be proud of himself when he does well on a test (he got another 100% on a quiz) but he needs to remain constantly aware of his actions and attention to detail. It's important for when he graduates and is out in the field so that he can stay safe, and we both know that. It was a hard day, but full of lessons learned and that's what the academy is about! "You may not be able to control every situation and its outcome, but you can control your attitude and how you deal with it." Tomorrow is another day to give it your all! Three days until I see my babe again! We are talking about doing a day trip this weekend. Maybe Carmel by the Sea if the weather is nice:)

- Mimi

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