Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 19-21/194

Friday, Week 3!
I forget exactly what time Kev called on Friday, because honestly I could care less about blogging when I know he is on his way home! I want to say he got to my house around 7:30. He text me that he was parking, and I couldn't even wait for him to walk to my door. I put a pair of shoes on and ran out to him. He put his war bag and duffle down and I jumped in his arms. Being in his arms at the very moment is worth the entire wait of the week!

I had got off work early and had a chance to run to the store to buy something to make for dinner. Kev always likes to help cook, so together we made Chinese chicken lettuce cups. I think he enjoyed being able to eat a little late, since at the academy they have dinner around 5 PM and don't eat again for the rest of the night since they can't have food in their rooms. After dinner, we just laid around and he told me more details of his day and week. His Friday started out with PT and more running, followed by a test on property crimes which he got a 93% on! :) Then he told me they did PMA training and were taught a few techniques that they got to practice on punching bags. Sounds like he really enjoyed PMA and had a good time. He also got his body armor, aka vest last week - exciting! Lastly and most exciting, he found out that he gets his gun next week and gets to go to the range for the first time! He got new blue CHP shirts for the range, and of course he can't wait!

I'm loving the new book, "Cadet Blues" so far too! I didn't read any over the weekend, but I asked Kev about some parts of the book and it seems pretty spot on. Kev sometimes neglects to tell me the little details of his day, so the book fills in the academy culture that is already routine to my guy. For instance, when they go out on academy grounds or to march, if one cadet brings a jacket the rest must also wear their jackets. Kev said the other day a couple cadets grabbed their jackets when it was 75 degrees out and he was a little frustrated when he ended up sweating all day!

Saturday & Sunday!
The rest of the weekend was pretty mellow again. Kev seems to get stressed on Sunday when we wait to do all of his 'chores' for the academy until the last day. So, we decided from now on to do everything on Saturday which leaves us with a much more relaxing Sunday together. On Saturday, we washed and folded all his academy clothes and towels and buzzed his hair. That is usually all there is to do, but with everything on his mind for the week, it tends to just be added pressure waiting until Sunday. We did a little workout on Saturday too, with some squats and jumprope and then went to dinner with his parents. We also pull out his flashcards throughout the day to study his vehicle and penal codes, he is getting really good :)

Kev said that next week the seniors are going to inspect all the juniors' vehicles for violations. So, he cleaned up his truck a bit on Sunday in preparation. He said some guys needed to get mud flaps and other things on their cars over the weekend. Thankfully, Kev just had to clean his headlights. Then we headed over to my parents' house for dinner in the afternoon and went back to my house after for Kev to pack up and study a little for his test on Monday - sex crimes. I was reading over his shoulder and having him read to me to help him study, but when he was reading the part about the investigation after the crime was committed, he told me I didn't want to hear it. I was okay with that. In the last book I read, "A CHiP on my Shoulder," it says you need to be a confidant for your officer and how you react to what they tell you will depict what they tell you about their job moving forward. It says they need to be able to confide in you and talk to someone other than law enforcement, and that can sometimes be you. I know Kev will always want to protect me from hearing the bad stuff, but as he becomes more inculcated in the job I hope he feels comfortable sharing more with me.

My last thought has to do with friendships right now. It has been hard finding balance because the weekends seem to fly by and we want to spend every second together. Friends reached out to hang out with us this weekend but I was quick to turn them down. However, I know I can't continue to do that for the remainder of the time he is at the academy. I suppose it is also the "exodus of our 20s." We are growing up and re-evaluating who we want to be in our lives and what kind of people, especially when Kev becomes an officer. Perhaps weeding out some of the 'party' friends and spending the little time we have together these days with friends who have similar career focus and morale is a step further towards growing up. It's all a learning process for us, and I'm sure we will find balance as time goes on.

Of course, Kev leaving to go back to the academy was hard. However, when I went back upstairs to wash my face and brush my teeth, there was a hidden card in my bathroom drawer with my name on it and that was the perfect end to my weekend :)

Wishing Kev and the other cadets the best of luck this week! Making it through this week, means we are 1 of 6 months down and the cadets get their first pay checks!


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