Friday, September 9, 2016

One Month Later - FTO Phase 1


Well, life is normal again and going great! If your loved one is in the next graduating class and you're sitting around wondering what life after the Academy will be like, it is so much better than the last six months!

We have been living in our new place and really enjoying our new life together. The first couple weekends after graduation we unpacked and decorated our new home. We even had a little patio planting day and set up lights outside too. We have been so grateful to spend time together, sleep together every night, and finally find our normalcy again. Well, as normal as the Chippy life can be... I had to remind him to close the blinds when he was cleaning his gun so our neighbors don't think we are assassins, and to be careful with kitty ;)

Kev's assistant gun cleaner
Wait, weekends? Yes! I know it won't last forever but you can't blame us for being grateful and appreciating Kev's schedule right now. His first month of FTO (Aug-Sept) he is working Tuesday - Friday, 5AM-3:30PM. While that means he wakes up around 2:30AM to get to work an hour early, it means I see him every night after work and every weekend! We had all of Labor Day weekend together, and he even has a 4 day weekend coming up soon.

Weeknights we have been going to bed early and Kev has been doing a little studying and report writing, but nothing quite like the Academy days. He is also learning his 'beats' (highways and exits that are his responsibility to patrol). Other than that, he has written quite a few tickets and says there is a lot to learn.  He is doing well but of course has made a couple mistakes too, that's what the FTO process is about. Thankfully, he has a great Field Training Officer for this first phase.

Kev has kept in touch with a few of his classmates and it seems some of them are having it a little harder than us right now with 'swing shifts' for their first phase. Swing shift starts at 12PM and ends at 10:30PM, but a few people have said they don't actually get home until 1AM on those shifts. When I talked to one of the Officer's girlfriend, she said it has been pretty hard on her because they haven't been able to spend much time together. I know Kev and I will have this experience soon too, so we are just enjoying what we have now. Hopefully, these guys will get to enjoy our schedule soon too once this phase is over.

There was definitely an adjustment period for Kev as far as balancing his new work life with housework and me around all the time. At first, he still had a little bit of an Academy mind where work and preparation is everything. He is absolutely finding balance though. It's helped that we have had really open and honest communication with each other too. When something bothers me , I tell him and vice versa. We don't take it personal, we just find a mutual resolve. Other than that, we have been taking turns making dinner, he has made grocery shopping runs before I get home from work, and has completely dived back into home life while still embracing his new role as an Officer!

His first week at the office was primarily re-certifying with his weapons, but now the stories have started. I love hearing his stories! My little accounting life can vicariously live through his but he always asks and cares to hear about my day too ;) As far as being nervous about him on duty.. sometimes I am but most of the time I feel pretty confident that he is capable and has the training he needs to stay safe. In that case, I tell him I love him and to be safe everyday before he leaves, but I try not to dwell on it all day.

Ultimately, he is loving life as an Officer. Every little bit of it. He made a reference to Moses parting the seas when he first held up his hand on the freeway to conduct traffic and people did what he said.  On the other hand, he said it's a crazy feeling when people are nervous handing him paperwork or staring at him when he walks in a room, because he is still so new and humble to the situation. I wish I could quote him, but I could never rephrase in such a humorous and unique manner, the way he describes all of these moments.

I am just so proud, we are so happy, life is fun and exciting, and we plan to do everything we can to hang on to the outlook we have at this point in his career.

- Mimi

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