Thursday, September 29, 2016

Wrapping Up Day Shift, Graves Next Week!

Everyday I kiss Kev goodbye in the morning and tell him "I love you, be safe" and every time he texts me that he is off work, I ask him "catch any criminals?"  The answer is always no. Ive heard that some of the other Officers from Kev's class have had at least one exciting moment, but not us. Well, Kev thinks every moment is pretty exciting but I guess I'm hoping for a story more similar to an episode of Cops ;) On the other hand, a boring day is a safe day.

We have a great routine going right now. I used to stay up until midnight, but now I'm going to bed with Kev by 9:30pm. It actually feels great to get more rest. Kev wakes up around 2:30am and starts getting ready for work. I do wake up a little when he initially gets out of bed but now I fall right back asleep. When we first began this schedule, I would be restless the whole time he was getting ready, so I'm really glad I finally figured it out. Kitty too! The days of meowing and sprinting laps around the house when Kev wakes up are over. After he is done getting ready, he comes back in the bedroom to give me a kiss and hug good-bye. If he has a break during his shift later in the day, he'll send me a quick text just to let me know he is okay - he learned his lesson when I didn't hear from him the other day ;) I know he's busy while on shift, so usually it's just an emoji or "I love you so much" - short, simple, but all I need! Then before you know it, I'll get a text around 3:30pm that he is heading home for the day.  When I get home around 7pm, there he is waiting for me! I want to give all this detail around timing because I remember questioning what FTO would be like when Kev was getting ready to graduate the Academy. They only tell you so much and the unknown is what can sometimes cause the most stress on the relationship. So far, phase one has been really convenient and fairly normal for us. We see each other all the time! Every once in a while we even make plans to hang out with our friends without each other, especially now that we aren't counting down the hours until he has to leave for a week. That's something we never really did during the Academy days. Simply knowing we both get to come home to the same place now at the end of the day brings so much peace and ease to our lives.

So, now we're gearing up for October when Kev starts graveyard shift! This is our last week of day shift. We really were blessed with an amazing schedule that left us with a lot of time together right out of the Academy. Realistically, I know I'm going to be seeing Kev a lot less this phase. I was talking to another CTC 1-16 girlfriend I know and she said her boyfriend is switching to graves too. We are both unsure about what to expect but we're remaining optimistic. It is great to have another Chippy girlfriend to talk to, she just gets it and she has a positive attitude too. The people you surround yourself with really make all the difference. If you notice someone that you're confiding in is a pessimist, I'd do yourself a favor and steer away from any unnecessary bad energy. Anyways, the night shift will likely be a lot different than day shift, so hopefully the stories will be more interesting too. Maybe I'll get one "Cops" episode story out of Kev. Is it bad that I really want him to hook a DUI, find pounds of drugs, deliver a baby in the font seat of a car, or save a kitten from the fast lane?! Is it so much to ask for one good story that doesn't involve an expired registration. Well, I guess we have 30 more years to find out ;) Until then, graveyard shift should be interesting. So, I just plan to remain flexible and make it work. We will re-adjust to this new schedule and figure out what works best for us. I'm curious how Kev will work out sleeping and eating when he plans to be up all night. Eat at night, sleep during the day I guess. I'm planning to prepare meals ahead for him too. Maybe breakfast burritos for him to heat up, bbq chicken, or taco cups which he loves and are also easy to grab and go (place won ton wrappers in a cupcake pan, cook up some ground turkey and peppers, fill the cups and bake until crispy - easy, low cal, and tasty!). Maybe I'll do a future post on some of our favorite quick and healthy meals great for a peace officer on the go? If you have any recipes, I'm all ears too!

I'm definitely going to miss Kev around the house at night but it will be fun to revert back to leaving love notes for each other like when he was in the Academy. Missing each other throughout the day leaves us with the opportunity to do a lot of little surprises next month too :) I'd be lying if I said "I'm looking forward to it" but we sure will make the MOST of it!

- Mimi

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