Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 2 & 3

Week 1!

Tuesday, Day 2:
Kev was able to send me a quick text yesterday morning around 5:30 am when he woke up. I hope he can continue to do this because it is so comforting to wake up to a text from him. I had a long day at work followed by a call that my grandma wasn't doing well. I rushed to the hospital to see her because her heart rate had fallen significantly. It was hard not having Kev with me for this and especially when it is still a time where I have to get used to not being able to call him when I need him. When I was finally able to talk to him around 8:30 pm yesterday, I told him about my grandma and that she wasn't in the best shape tonight. We said we would both say a prayer for her before bed and pray for her to have the strength to pull through. He told me a little about his day too and said they were still focusing on stress management and had a couple officers come in and tell their stories. He also said they are still working on filling out paperwork, as well as learning to march, address each other, and make beds. Yesterday, was a tough day for me because I was trying so hard to remind myself that he would have been there for me under any other circumstances. It's also hard because Kev has to get used to talking to me with his roommates in the room. I understand it's a new environment and he is talking to me in front of guys he just met, so it will just take time to be natural. He lives with one 'retread' (someone going through the academy for a second time) and says that he hears him talking to his girlfriend like no one is around, so I'm sure that will be Kev soon enough too.

Wednesday, Day 3:
I got another text from Kev around 5:30 am this morning. I can't tell you how much I love his good morning texts. He told me he loved me and he said another prayer for my grandma this morning. 

I was on Bart around 7:30 when my dad called. My grandma passed away just after 7 am. Not being able to call Kev after that call was so hard. Kev and I had just visited with her the weekend before the academy. We had snacks together, she showed us her jackpot pictures from Harrah's in Tahoe, and we told her all about the academy. She was so happy for Kev and always told me how much she loved him. She wasn't able to to talk to me last night in the hospital but I told her she had to stick around for all the good things to come and we would try to get her an extra ticket for Kev's graduation from the CHP. I had also sent her a text before surgery telling her that she had to pull through so I could have my grandma at my wedding and so that she could meet my children one day, since I had never been so sure I found 'the one'. That's one of the hardest parts, knowing she will miss those moments in my life. She would have been so happy. She was also the one who cooked and coordinated Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas morning for the family. She held us all together. My grandma had also recently beat lung cancer too. I think she was just tired, she loved us all very much but she had to let go today. I took today off work to be with my family and sent Kev a brief text this morning after I found out. I can't tell you how hard today was. It's 7 pm right now and I can't wait for Kev to call. I feel terrible adding this stress to his first week, but I know he loves me with all his heart and wants to be there for me when I need him. I'm sure when the academy gets harder I'll be able to return the support. 

I told my grandma about this blog and she was reading along too. I never thought this post would be here. The world truly lost a beautiful soul today. She was one of the most amazing women I have ever met. She taught me to be kind, helpful, generous, and considerate. I'll have to try a little harder now to make up for the amount of compassion she had in her heart. I know she will be watching over me, rooting for Kev, and she will definitely be there when he gets his badge on grad day <3

All my love, Mimi

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