Thursday, February 18, 2016

Day 17/194

Wednesday, Week 3!
We finally wrapped up the fiscal year close at work and celebrated with a team event to Lagunitas Brewery in Petaluma for the day. I am so glad to be done! February started off pretty rough, so I'm glad that a new leaf turned for me this week. I've almost kicked this cold entirely, finished the close at work, and all around feel much better. That means, Kev will get the real, happy Mimi this weekend! Finally, poor guy! He has been so sweet tending to my emotions and caring for me while he was sick himself. We deserve some fun this weekend, and I fully intend to get us out of the house on Saturday:)

Kev called just after 6 PM when I was on my way home. I saw his missed call and voicemail, which I would have been so upset about missing week 1 but now we have a pretty good understanding that we will catch up each evening and I don't worry as much about when I'll talk to him because I know I will. He had PT in the morning, at which point he said there was a big fiasco when one of the cadets took another cadet's shoes and flashlight. The cadet missing his gear told the PT officers (Kev says the PT officers are the strictest at the academy), and they lined up all the cadets to see who had taken the shoes. It was an accident of course, but the cadet was probably too scared for the consequences to admit he made a mistake. All the cadets were then asked to take out their blue cards (gigs) that they are required to keep in there shoes during PT in case they need to be written up. Apparently, at some point they were told to pre-fill those blue cards with "poor PT performance" but no one in the class had done so and all of the cards were blank except for the cards of the two retreads who knew from experience to have them filled out. That meant, everyone except the retreads got a gig for 'poor PT performance' since they didn't listen and the blue cards weren't pre-filled. They also identified the cadet with the extra shoes and flashlight. However, that meant Kev got his 3rd gig for the week and he loses his Wednesday liberty next week.

Other than the PT incident, Kev said he had a good day. He got a 96% (I believe) on his test about murder investigation. He told me one of the questions was something about, is it first degree murder if you park your car on the train tracks, the train hits the car and the conductor is killed. Now, mind you I could be completely off here.. I'm an accountant! However, I am pretty sure that is what the test was about:)  He also said he has been really hungry lately, and has been eating a lot of the cookies which he thinks are homemade. He is killing me with these cookies! Good thing Kev is naturally slim and can afford them. He just better hope the PT officers don't catch on to how many he is eating;) That reminds me, Kev said the PT officers were also upset with how they put the mats away after their workout, so they had to wake up at 4:30 the next day (today) to be properly shown how to put the mats away. I'm not sure what that entailed but I'm sure it wasn't fun! I'll let you know what he says. That's about it for his day. We had another nice FaceTime session, and it has been great to see his face more often! One and a half more days until he is home!!

- Mimi

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