Friday, October 7, 2016

Grave Shift is Tonight

Kev's first official graveyard shift is tonight! I kissed him goodbye this morning and I've been thinking of him all day. Even though I'm a little bummed I won't see him until tomorrow, I think we are both pretty excited for his shift tonight. I can't wait to hear all about it when he comes home. I'm guessing night shift will be much different than the day shift he is used to. I didn't even think about it until he told me, but basically when you work the day shift you're stuck in traffic all morning. Ultimately, he is just snagging people cheating the carpool lane or heading to crashes. Crashes = paperwork. He even went to the office on his day off the other day to wrap up his crash reports. You can't really catch someone for speeding when you're in 5 mph traffic. In that case, Kev is pretty excited for tonight. He had two days off before today too so he is pretty well rested and ready for his shift!

As for me, I have a girls night planned after work since I'll have the house to myself - mani/pedis, Pho, wine and movie night in. Kev put a bunch of lights up for me on the balcony, so I'm looking forward to turning them all on and having girl time. Cheers to tonight, Kev's safety, and crushing the Chippy life so far :)

- Mimi

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