Monday, October 17, 2016

FTO, Birthdays & Holidays

Kev and I both have birthdays this month and have been celebrating every chance we get. It's been really fun. The schedule this month is a little different from day shift last month in a couple of ways. Last month, the schedule was pretty consistent but it fluctuates a bit more this month. Kev is either working a bunch of nights in a row and I don't see him, or he has a bunch of nights off and it feels like he is hardly ever working. Last week I barely saw him, but I've seen him all weekend. He works a couple nights this week, and then we have almost a week off together. We are going to take those off days to go deer hunting with his family. I'm not much of a camper, so it will be an adventure!

Kev didn't work the night before his birthday and I took the day off, so we had the perfect lazy movie day with presents and cake. He did have to work the night of his birthday though and actually had a pretty exciting night! I told him he should pack cake to share with his training officer or the office but he laughed at me and said he didn't want to share his birthday cake. If I know anything, homemade cake makes friends Kev ;)

I never feel that our time is limited. When he works a few nights in a row it can be tough at home alone but I know that leaves room for consecutive days off. It always feels pretty fair. After the camping trip he will be working about 6 nights straight, so I am preparing myself for that. Unfortunately, he will have to work on my birthday too. That will be the first birthday he misses because of work. We have been celebrating all month though, so it's okay. It will give me a little guilt free time to celebrate and brunch with my girlfriends ;) I am curious how the holidays will work out though. I'm not the type of person to be concerned if I don't celebrate on the exact day of a holiday. As long as we get a day together to celebrate, I don't really care what day it is. It's not about the day, it's about who you share it with!

Happy birthday to us!

- Mimi

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