Monday, October 10, 2016

Graves Update

Graveyard shift over the weekend did not disappoint! It was everything Kev and I expected and more. I finally got my stories. He worked both Friday and Saturday night, 8pm - 6am. He left the house around 6pm for each shift and was home between 8am-9am in the morning. We have mutually agreed that I won't blog about specific incidents but I will say I definitely had my fill of "Cops" stories for the weekend. Nights are definitely more exciting, but now that I got my stories out of Kev, I definitely prefer hearing that he was stuck in traffic tending to small fender benders all day!

The hard part about nights - For one, we live in just under a 1000 sq. foot condo. So, when Kev gets home and needs to sleep, that means I need to keep quiet and it's a little tough in such a small place. I didn't do a great job on Saturday, but Sunday I managed to do better. We will definitely need to figure out what works best for us. Saturday I woke him up too soon, but on Sunday I let him sleep too long. I also accidentally fell back asleep with him until just after noon! When I woke up and realized what time it was, I quietly changed and headed to the gym so Kev could sleep longer. However, I was antsy all last night because I had slept too long. To my surprise, Kev was looking good. Staying up all night didn't seem to be too painful for him after he was able to sleep it off for a bit.

Kev works nights most days this week, so even though we will miss each other it might work out better for us than the weekend did. When he gets home from his shift and needs to sleep, I'll be at work. He will have the peace and quiet he needs to rest. It's really important to us that he gets sufficient sleep before his shift. After hearing how 'active' nights are, we both know it's essential that he is well rested and alert.

We still have a the rest of the month to figure out a routine that works best for us. We may not see each other as often now, but hopefully we get a better shift in November. It seems most of the tenured officers at Kev's office prefer nights, so we are hoping that we have a chance at day shift once he is off FTO. While nights mean more 'action', Kev admits he prefers day shift so far - of course, I do too!

Kev also told me that when he stopped to pick up food with his FTO this weekend, a kind woman noticed them in uniform and treated them to their dinner. Kev said when they went to pay, they were told the woman had already taken care of the bill. It really made his night and mine when he came home and told me. Thank you for warming our hearts and being one of the first to show a new officer that he is appreciated and loved out there :)

- Mimi

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