Monday, September 26, 2016

Switching to Graves

Well we knew it was coming! Kev received his schedule for the second phase of FTO and is switching to nights. Next month he will be working 8PM to 6AM, Tuesday - Friday. Once again, we are blessed and grateful for weekends together!  It's about a 40 minute drive to his area office and he usually likes to get there at least an hour early. In that case, I'm guessing he will have to leave the house around 6PM and get home between 7-8PM. I usually leave the house around 7AM and get home by 7PM. So, we are preparing to entirely miss each other at the house during the week. I'm definitely going to miss him! I'm guessing the stories will be a little more exciting next month though. Kev really hasn't had too much action yet and now he is scheduled to work the Friday night before Halloween, so he is really excited for that. Word to the wise, don't drink and drive. #1 it's dangerous and risks your life and the lives of those around you #2. There are 100 new officers from CTC 1-16 and other classes spread across the state itching for their first DUI arrest!

Stay tuned for how graveyard shifts go! :)

- Mimi

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