Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Day 127/194 - Start of Week 19!

Monday, Week 19!
There are officially 10 weeks left! It feels surreal and we can't stop reminiscing whenever Kev and I talk together. I can perfectly remember laying in bed with Kev in January talking about what we should do if he doesn't get the CHP acceptance soon. Then, literally the very next day he called me and told me he was accepted! Sometimes the timing of events in life can be pretty ironic and seemingly perfect. Our lives instantly changed that day. I remember how intense and intimidating orientation day was for me while Kev sat silent and concentrated holding my hand next to me. I shaved his hair that night at the hotel and cried as I drove away. I could hardly concentrate at work on day one as I pictured him being berated by staff officers as he stood at attention in his new suit. However, every night he called me to tell me he was okay. I had so many fears in the beginning that have washed away these last 18 weeks. We are stronger and closer than ever now. Kev was already a great man when I met him, but I can see so much strength and pride in him now. Even through those hard weeks, there is beauty in the motivation I see in him. It's almost like I love him differently now. The Academy shed a light on him that I normally wouldn't have had the chance to see. I respect him more for his determination and hard work, and trust him more with my heart as I watch his relentless pursuit to achieve what he wants in his life.

There is a rumor that Dream Sheets will be out on Wednesday this week or within the next 2 weeks. Kev says a lot of conversations are overheard and the Academy can be like a big game of 'telephone' at times with misconstrued information and unknown sources. I would love if they came out on Wednesday but we really don't have any expectations. We will have them sooner or later. I can't stop looking at places for us to live though. It looks like the rent has dropped a little in our area so I hope it stays that way through August! I have seen some really cute places and I am getting so excited! I understand there is a slight chance we may not stay in the Bay Area, and that is completely fine with me too. I just can't wait to have Kev back home and to finally move in together!

Yesterday at the academy, Kev had more wrestling and EMR class. He also had an EMR test at the end of the day. It sounds like he is starting to enjoy this part of the emergency response training a little more. His little brother is a paramedic and actually tried to get assigned to teach the classes at the academy but unfortunately didn't get to. It would have been fun to hear the stories of his brother teaching at the Academy.

The cadets also have this Friday off due to staff training. Another 3 day weekend, and thanks to unlimited PTO at my start-up company I am able to take the day off too! The flexibility I have at my current job while Kev is at the Academy couldn't have worked out more perfectly! So, it's already Tuesday and I get to see Kev on Thursday night. These 3 day weekends make a HUGE difference in our spirits and make the weeks fly by! It has been so nice lately. POST testing is officially done too and the rest of the academy only consists of a few more agency tests. The light at the end of the tunnel is brighter every day.

- Mimi

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