Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 143-144/194

Wednesday & Thursday, Week 21!
Hola!! So, on Wednesday, Kev's class had 4 hours of Spanish in the morning, followed by 4 hours of EVOC. In the evening he went out for dinner with a few other cadets for Liberty and then went to his friend's quad to study felony stop procedures for the test Thursday. He did let me know that he passed the felony stop test. Wooo!

It sounds like something happened on Thursday though because Kev seems upset and the blog views were pretty high this morning before I even posted. I met a few old co-workers for happy hour after work yesterday and we ran a little late, so Kev was already in bed when I called to say goodnight. He sounded a little grumpy and I just figured it was because I called late, but typically he never minds. However, when I woke up this morning I had a text from him noting something about poor room inspections and eating "shit sandwiches" for 24 hours. It doesn't sound good. I wonder if it was his room or if Skittle Cadet was packing again! At least it's Friday though, so he only has to hang in there a few more hours until he comes home.

- Mimi

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