Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Thoughts, more than half way!

To start, today is our 7 month anniversary! For perspective - I have know Kev for 10 months and he asked me to be his girlfriend 7 months ago. The academy is 6 months long, and we are 4 months in. It has been the most exciting, head over heels, and interesting relationship we have probably both ever had - considering the circumstances these last 4 months at the Academy!

We were definitely nervous when we were starting this journey and there have certainly been highs and lows. However it does get easier. Kev's little brother and his wife told me that once too. They endured a paramedics academy and a long distance relationship too. I used to think they told me it would get easier just to keep my hopes up. But now I finally understand what they meant, because it does get easier.  Even when the stress is high, you eventually find a certain level of contentment with your new life and positivity as you think of the rewarding future that lies ahead. The half way point was a difficult time for us, mentally. You have come so far, but you have the same amount of time ahead of you and at that point you fully understand the sacrifice and work it takes to keep going. However, that feeling is short lived. The beginning was hard because of the uncertainty and the unknown of the path ahead. The middle is hard because of what you do know. The end is different and so are you.

We are stronger now and our relationship is more meaningful too. We are partners and offer each other love and support in the ways we both know we need. We laugh together, cry together and persist together. He is my best friend, companion and the love of my life. As we approach the last of the challenges at the Academy, we are staying focused but also beginning to shift our thoughts to life after the academy when Kev is an Officer. Lately, we talk a lot about moving in together, getting married, and even starting a family once this is all done. I love those conversations with him. He has such an amazing outlook on life and I am so lucky to be able to share this experience and my life with him.

That love hosts the next phase of thought that encroaches as the finish line draws nearer. I recently looked for a few blogs about life as an officer and came across the blog of a woman who was married to a police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty. I Googled his name and read about the events of that day. It broke my heart. Her words were so positive but the hole in her heart is clear as day. I can't imagine that pain. A few of the other blogs are similar to mine - at some point in the story of their cadet at the academy, an officer was killed in the line of duty. I didn't wake up one day and chose life with a LEO. I woke up one day and chose a life with Kev. There are a lot of exciting decisions we will be making together soon and so many more amazing memories we will be making after the Academy. Our life once again, will change entirely. We don't really know what to expect, and I don't want to live life constantly worrying about Kev every day he kisses me good bye to go to work. I think about this a lot now. Even now, I always make him promise me that when he becomes an officer he will always be safe and come home to me. Just like the academy though, he tells me we can't worry. We are carving our own story, and it will be unlike anyone else's. Even the next chapter.

At this point in the academy we just keep persevering and dreaming. Kev is pushing himself through to the end and we are dreaming of all the positive changes that will take place soon. There is a touch of worry - worry that we can still go home, worry that when he becomes an officer our hours won't allow us to see each other and worry about the dangers of the job. Tomorrow isn't a guarantee for anyone though. The most important thing you can do is live your life to its fullest, and chase your dreams with the people you love by your side. This point has been the best at the Academy for us so far. Most of our worries proved untrue and we have learned to try to only focus on what we do have control over - graduation and our life together.

The Academy has been an incredible experience so far. I am excited to see Kev continue to amaze me over these last couple months. During his time here, he has been carved into an even more amazing man than he already was. He is driven, disciplined, and proud. Today, I think we both see the Academy, the staff, the fountain and training differently than the day we first stepped foot on the campus together. It truly takes an amazing person to graduate this place, and the honor of being considered one of California's finest is certainly earned. I am so proud of my cadet and also feel honored to call him mine. The California Highway Patrol Academy is truly an incredible place and a beautiful journey. We are so lucky to be a part of it.

- Mimi

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