Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day 149/194

Tuesday, Week 22!
Maybe a tiny little rant today...

45 days left. That should be easy, right? Suddenly though, the days feel longer than ever and I'm more tired at this point that I have been in a while. The decisions we have to make in the next month are big ones and the inability to connect with Kev throughout the day can make big decisions even more difficult. Right now, my workload at the office is heavy with a lot of tight deadlines, while I'm simultaneously exploring new job options. Meanwhile, I'm also trying to coordinate where we will be moving to when we don't even know for sure what area office Kev will be getting. Rent prices are steep right now and trying to make a financial decision for the both of us without being able to talk out our options and act quickly when an option arrises can be frustrating. I sent Kev a few links for places I liked and responded to each of the CraigsList ads to at least ensure I start communication with the homeowner in case Kev likes them. When Kev and I talked later that night I ended up frustrated with him - he had no clue what the rental market looks like right now and I want him to at least explore some areas and have an understanding of rental costs for different types of homes right now so I can lock one down for US.  I'm out of state this weekend, so when I'm back in town we will literally have 3 weekends to make a decision and move. We hung up and I felt bad because I know the weight of the academy is heavy on him right now too and the 14+ hour days are all that his mind can handle sometimes. I definitely understand, but I can't help but want more of his attention allocated to life at home too. I'm stressed, but I just need to remind myself that everything will work out. I'm just ready to have my partner in life back and a little more normalcy in our relationship. Kev says he has been hearing his roommates having the same conversations with their frustrated wives and girlfriends on the other line too. I hate to say it, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one slightly losing it. I'm just tired at this point and ready for graduation.

Meanwhile in Academy life on Tuesday:
- Spanish phrases quiz & Kev passed
- Kev certified using his ASP (retractable baton)
- The cadets took their 4.5 hour report writing test

So close but so far :(

- Mimi

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