Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 129-133/194 DREAM SHEETS!

Wednesday - Sunday, Week 19!
So, first of all we received Dream Sheets! The rumors were true;) I also read other blogs that mentioned Dream Sheets around week 19. The feeling is surreal! I'll get to that.

Kev came home Thursday night! It was a good week - life as a senior has been SO much better. The first few months were long and hard, with a lot more critique about every day expectations than now. Once the high demand of remedial tasks and tedious perfection relaxes a bit, so does your cadet, and so do you!

Cadets had PT on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday since it was a short week. Kev is still a little sore but is finally starting to feel better. Injuries are scary at the Academy, because that little joint pain can escalate and possibly send you home if you're incapable of keeping up.

On Thursday, Kev qualified for pistol - aka. he passed his agency pistol shooting test. They finished off the week with EMS and he was certified in CPR on Wednesday. They also learned how to address a gunshot wound if an ambulance is far off. He also found out that he passed his report that he wrote for a grade. It was an 8 hour report writing day the cadets had a couple weeks back.

The day we have been waiting for (well one of them) has arrived! On Thursday night after the family/work-life balance class the cadets received their Dream Sheets! I suppose we were both expecting a fancy piece of gold sparkling construction paper with a list of the area offices and spaces available. Instead, the instructors read off the offices and open spaces in class as the cadets wrote them down on binder paper. I sort of laughed when I saw the 'Dream Sheet'  on a little handwritten page in Kev's notebook! He also said cadets raised their hands for each office they were interested in. That helped give Kev an idea of our odds with certain offices we really want.

There are 31 area offices available. We live in the East Bay and 55 spots are available where we would not have to move. However, Kev has a fairly high social security number. The lower the last 4 digits of your number, the higher your preference is placed above the rest of the class. While Kev's SS number is high, he does have a great ranking in the class. We have our fingers crossed that his hard work plays some role in the assignment as well.

Listing all 31 offices in preferential order was a little harder than we thought. We started with a rough draft and switched it up a couple times. The top 10 were fairly easy, but once you have to order areas that require a move or are in the middle of nowhere, it gets tough. We weighed our options and did what we thought would be best for both of us. I am ready to move with Kev where ever he is placed and in return he was so flexible and understanding when we made our choices. Now, we just can't wait to hear what we get! Kev had to turn in his list at 8am this morning (Monday)!

We also had a pretty busy weekend!

Friday - I took the day off work to spend time with Kev and family. My parents are moving and are completely packed! We visited with them and took a few more things we are keeping to our storage unit for now.

Saturday - It was Kev's mom's birthday, so we had a great brunch at his parents house with family.

Sunday - Dinner with Kev's parents and mine before they leave.

We have had a lot going on lately, so most of our time is spent together and with family for the time being. Sometimes it is tough to squeeze everything in on the weekends!

Days remaining:
- 61 days left of the academy
        - 45 days at the academy

- Mimi

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