Monday, June 27, 2016

Day 145-147/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 21!
Well the weekend flew by way too fast! I swear, the days go slow, the weeks go fast, and the weekends you wait for all week are done and gone before you know it. It turns out Kev's disastrous Thursday was due to a poor room inspection and another little mixup that led to a plethora of gigs and two lost Wednesday Liberties. I am heading to Austin this weekend for a Bachelorette party, and it will be the first weekend Kev and I don't spend together since he started the Academy. In that case, we were planning on meeting for dinner this Wednesday and next. Unfortunately, now we can't do that. It's definitely a bummer but life goes on. He is still at the Academy, so a couple Wednesday restrictions are fine with us. It could be always be worse! The cadets have Monday and Tuesday (7/4 & 7/5) off for the holiday, so it will be a nice long weekend for them and a little intensive to get through another week!

Kev also bought his green jacket this week! I think he said it was about $400! They really do cycle those cadet paychecks right back to the Academy. The uniform in total will cost about $1200. He did show me a picture of him in his tans and green jacket when he was being fitted and he looked so handsome! He was also really proud that they have to let the seam out of his pants because "he has so much junk in the trunk". He must have told me at least three or four times this weekend! He is lean but now thanks to the uniform tailors, he is a little full of himself for what a great butt he has!

The rest of the weekend we spent with family and friends. On Saturday, we went to a family gathering in Sacramento with Kev's family and had a great day! It was sooo hot though. The property was on a ranch, so we had a bunch of chairs outside under a tree enjoying the warm weather, good company, and admiring the new babies in the family. Kev picked a few leaves off the fruit trees and we fed the goats on the property too. It was such a nice day! On Sunday, one of my friends and her fiance came over and we spent some time down by our pool. They just got engaged and she asked me to be her bridesmaid. Such an exciting day and nice to spend a couple hours with friends, since it's so hard to squeeze time in with everyone on our weekends right now.

We hope to find out our area office this week too! I literally can't wait and we are really anxious. As soon as we find out, it's time to start packing and looking for a place to live! There is a lot to do in July! After talking with almost every law enforcement officer I know or am acquainted with, I have finally decided on a grad present for Kev too! My parents, Kev's parents, and I all have the best gifts! He is going to be a fully equipped officer! Since he reads this, I can't say what they are, but when he graduates I'll try to remember to post them so families of future cadets who might read this have a few ideas. I don't know if it was just me, but it was definitely hard to come up with a special, unique, and useful grad gift, since I'm new to life with someone in law enforcement. However, I am so happy with our final choices and I know he will be too! :)

On to week 22!!!

- Mimi

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