Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 141/194 - Start of Week 21!

Monday, Week 21!
Everything is continuing to go pretty well. At the Academy, there has been a lot of report writing, Spanish, and spelling tests. Last night Kev was doing a little 'homework' drawing an accident diagram. He says it can all be done on the computer but for the sake of the Academy, the cadets are learning to do it by hand.

Kev said there was an incident with a cadet at a baseball game over the the weekend that resulted in a lecture from the Captain to the class. Apparently the cadet told the story of his weekend and run in with the police to his peers before later being called over to the Staff Office. Kev said not too long after, they saw the little red cart parked in front of his quad. The red cart is used to lug away a cadet's possessions when they leave the Academy early. The book, "Cadet Blues" references it a few times. I read the book when Kev started the Academy and a lot of the details Krider writes about are completely similar to how they are today. When Kev and I were talking about the PT staff over the weekend, he referenced a lady PT officer - I said, "oh yah babe, the one that doesn't like you" and he laughed at me and told me I confused him with the character in the book ;) I've done that type of thing a couple times actually! But anyway, the cadet in Kev's class made a mistake over the weekend and sadly paid for it. He was a retread too and had made it to week 19 the first time around. He only made it a week further. Such a bummer and a reminder that your actions over the weekend can send you home too, not just a test or exercise. In addition to this cadet, Kev also heard that a Senior from the last class was fired from break-in. Another trigger to the Captain's lecture. As you can imagine, the staff wants their cadets to reflect the training and pride instilled in them at the Academy every day, so it's understandable that they are frustrated when these things happen. On the same note, now that Dream Sheets are in, they apparently don't re-organize the list when someone goes home at this point. For example, if the cadet who went home filled the last spot for West LA and the cadet after him was in line for that area office too, the next cadet would not be bumped up to West LA. He would be stuck with his next choice and the spot for the cadet who went home would just be eliminated.

Other than an interesting Monday morning for cadets, we are really happy to be here! I just can't wait to hear where we are going. I keep looking for houses but they are all available now, so I'm telling myself I'm not allowed to look for a couple more weeks. We just need to keep pushing through the last of these days - 53 to be exact, but whose counting ;)

- Mimi

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