Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 137/194

Thursday, Week 20!
Week 20 is almost over! It's felt like such a long week and I'm just so ready to relax with my boyfriend. Hopefully the sun stays out over the weekend so we can have some time by the pool too!

On Thursday, Kev practiced using his 'Asp' - a retractable baton. In order to use a retractable baton on duty you need to be certified. The standard baton is pretty large and bangs against his side and knee so he definitely wants to certify with the Asp. The cadets were told they can certify now during baton training at the academy. If they don't have an Asp now, they can always come back to the Academy to certify if they wanted to use one later. However, we might as well knock it out while we're here, right. Thankfully Kev's brother is a police officer and he was able to quickly borrow his for training and certification.

The rest of the day consisted of more report writing and they finally received their official 'on-duty' vests! Apparently they are lighter and more comfortable - not to mention, they aren't sweaty and stinky from 4 months of running around in them at the academy! I hate to admit it, but Kev only washed his once that I know of!! Gross! I kept telling him to bring the cover home and we could wash it but he kept forgetting. Finally, he did it on his own at the academy! Finally and thankfully ;)

Kev also told me that near the end of the day, when he was in his room in nothing but his underwear.. they were told that the staff office was requesting his whole class. In order to leave their room and report to staff, they all needed to get completely dressed in their blues. That means, pants, shirts, brass, belt, gun, vest and boots! After rushing to get dressed they all reported to staff assuming they were in trouble. To their surprise, the Staff Officers just wanted to pass out "commendables"to the cadets who volunteered for the March of Dimes one weekend. Kev said he couldn't believe it, but was just happy they weren't in trouble.

Lastly, he received a 100% on his spelling and knowledge test - the test they are now having weekly. Each word you miss you have to write out 25 times. He told me last week a cadet missed 18 words! We decided the Academy is basically a blend of the military, jail, and pre-school ;)

Well, it's finally Friday as I write this and I am so antsy for the day to be over so I can hurry home and open my door to my handsome man standing behind it! I also washed all the bedding last night and scheduled house keeping for today too so he can come home to a comfy, spotless house - as it always is but house keeping is the best!! I'm hoping I can get out of here early too so I can run to the grocery store and pick up some items to make us a nice dinner. I just can't wait for "Academy Friday's" to become our everyday! Soooon.

- Mimi

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