Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Day 121/194 - Start of Week 18!

Tuesday, Week 18!
Kev started EMT training on Tuesday. He said they learned about responding to someone in need, what to do, and what not to do. It sounds like it was mostly instructional and he didn't do any actual practice yet, like CPR. I think it's pretty exciting that he is learning to be an emergency responser. I've always felt that Kev is very protective and I feel safe with him, but now with all of his training with the CHP I feel even more safe. He always makes me walk on the outside of the street so I am away from the cars when we are together, and now he will soon learn to save my life or someone else's. It's hard to describe how proud I am of him, but seeing him persevere through the different phases of the Academy is so inspiring and makes me fall even more in love with him. I'm excited to hear more about the EMT training he has this week.

Tuesday was a long day for Kev. He had EMT training all day, followed by night range which is usually 8 - 10 PM. He tries to warn me when he finds out he will have night range so we can plan on when we can talk.  Last night, we chatted before range for about 45 min. I'm glad we did because it ran late since they apparently also did some type of night range POST testing too and everyone had to go one at a time. Kev said that was what took forever, so I didn't hear from him until about 11 PM and we just said a quick good night. It was fine though since we chatted earlier and I had a lot of chores to take care of too since we were out of town all weekend. He also still needed to complete his 100 form - a like a self-assessment with your test scores for the month, achievements and where you think you can improve. It was due in the morning. I'm guessing he wrapped up around mid-night because I had a text in the morning with one last good-night that came in around then. Such a long day for my man!

We are also expecting Dream Sheets to be out in the next couple weeks and we are both so anxious and excited! We keep talking about all the possibilities :)

- Mimi

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