Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 116-120/194

Thursday - Monday, Week 17!
Kev and I had such a great weekend! Not only that, but Kev ended last week by passing both of his tests on Friday and receiving a 97% on his final! He also earned his CHP shirt back, which means no more wearing his marshmallow shirts to PT :) From this point forward, if the worst were to happen, the remaining cadets in CTC 1-16 will be able to start from week 18 rather than week 1. Kev says it feels like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders and a huge achievement. Of course there is still a lot of work ahead but he has worked hard to reach this huge milestone!

I took Friday off work so that I could pick Kev up in Sacramento for our weekend trip up to his family cabin. Traffic was horrible and took a little over 2 hours to get from the East Bay to West Sac! However, I left just in time and only waited about 10 minutes for him. I parked at the In N Out Burger down the street from the academy until he was dropped off by his roommate, who I was excited to finally meet! It was nice to meet one of the cadets Kev has been talking about and living with this whole time! We grabbed a sandwich before our road trip to the cabin and Kev bumped into another cadet he knew and introduced me to. Those were the first two cadets I had ever had the chance to meet since he started the Academy. It probably meant nothing to Kev, but for some reason it meant so much to me to meet some of the people he spends his days with and people who I know understand our life right now.

The rest of the weekend we spend at his family cabin in the woods. Kev was at peace and his mind was finally able to completely relax for a bit. He helped his grandpa chop firewood and gave me a ride on the tractor. We rode ATV's, ate home cooked meals, and completely relaxed. There is no cell service up there either, so we were entirely cut off and in our own little world. It was perfect! We also had a lot of time with his family and baby nephew who everyone was fighting over :) It was so nice that we both had Monday off too! A long relaxing weekend to wrap up the last few crazy weeks was just what we needed! I think PMA and all Kev's defense training has starting to affect his dreams though! When we were asleep on Friday night he grabbed me with one arm and put his other arm out in front of us, and yelled "back! babe! babe!" I woke up screaming, thinking someone had snuck in our room and that snapped Kev out of it! He scared the heck out of me but couldn't recall what he was dreaming about. Just goes to show that you can't escape the academy even in the woods, with no cell service, and when we are sleeping!! ;)

Only 10 weeks left now! We are so close, and I just can't wait for everything to come. We keep day dreaming about which area office he will be sent to and can't wait to start looking for a place to live together. I'm ready to have my best friend back and it's starting to feel closer than ever!

- Mimi

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