Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Day 113/194 - Start of Week 17!

Monday, week 17!
Can we just stop for a moment and soak in how good week 17 sounds!? I think every week is going to sound amazing as we continue our climb. We are starting to see a hint of light at the end of the tunnel now.

Kev's Monday consisted of 8 hours emergency management training - what to do in the case of a disaster. He said it was added to the training for law enforcement after the events of 9/11. He also had his 1st of 4 exams this week and passed.

Kev also told me a pretty crazy story on the phone last night. Apparently on Sunday night when everyone was coming in for the night, there was a rumor that someone was getting arrested at the front gate. Kev and the other cadets assumed it was another cadet, maybe a junior. After asking a staff officer what happened, it turns out a couple guys (not cadets) had apparently been out drinking and pulled up to the gate of the CHP Academy thinking it was a state park and wanting to camp there for the week. I am sure they quickly realized their mistake when they were arrested. Clearly they aren't a couple of great decision makers.

Other than that things have been a little quiet for us. This weekend coming up is a 3 day weekend - Kev will be off early on Friday and has Monday off. We are really excited for a long weekend together and are heading up North to his cabin with a bunch of his family. It should be a really great time! However, this is one of those times I wish I had Kev around. I need to buy a bunch of food to contribute, bottles of water, and make enough fresh cookies for 11 people. Having Kev to help carry groceries, pack the cooler or help me with a dozen 10 minute batches of cookies would be amazing. I also wake up at 5:30am and don't get home from work in the city until about 7pm or later. So I'll need to find time to pack, shop and cook. I'll manage, but it's just one of those times I wish I had him around. I know some cadets have wives at home with children too, so I can only imagine that every day is like my one week of not knowing how I will get everything done myself.

We almost have them back ladies! And things just got better, the new season of the Bachelorette started last night ;)

- Mimi

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