Monday, May 9, 2016

Day 95-98/194 - OC Pepper Spray

Thursday & Sunday, Week 14! 
Last week was likely the craziest week Kev has had at the academy so far. Thursday was mostly scenario practice and anticipation for OC on Friday morning. I suppose I will say that if you are going to focus your worries on one of the events of this week, focus on the OC pepper spray. Kev sent me a picture of his face when he got back to the room - his eyes and face were bright red. I do sort of feel like it is a right of passage though, so I will save most of his stories of the week for just us. Although, I will say that I am so proud of how strong he was this week. He accepted and overcame the challenge of late nights and physical exhaustion - push ups aren't off limits just because OC is in your eyes. The purpose of this week wasn't only so that you know when to use certain force, but so that you know the reaction you will have to each method of force in the event that it happens to be taken from you and used on you, you can keep fighting. There are a lot of other underlying reasons, but in the end Kev has a full understanding of why the academy has this week and he made it through. We talked a lot last week about keeping his head up and staying strong. He did, and I am so proud of him!

Friday also meant room inspections. Kev said they found a lot of hidden food which was their biggest concern. One cadet had M&Ms hidden in anAspirin bottle and they found another with a backpack full of chips and candy! The junk was dumped in the front of the classroom and the cadets were given a lecture on integrity. Kev said gigs will likely be posted soon. We talked about how long the academy has been around and that all secret hiding spots in those small rooms have been found and passed down from staff officer to staff officer. Just wait out the six months before snacking out in your bed.

Friday was the end of week 14, and we are officially half way done with the academy! We aren't counting graduation week, since that will be such an exciting week for us. After a long day, Kev also moved his belongings into his new dorm room on the senior side before coming home. The new cadet class will arrive on Monday and Kev will now be the one with the knowledge of what lies on the road ahead of them. I feel like we have come such a long way, and yet there is still so far to go. We had a little fun this weekend, but it was hard to shake off the week and we had a lot of other commitments. I just hang on to those little moments when we get to lay, do nothing, and cuddle.


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