Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 94/194 - Taser

Wednesday, Week 14! 
Wednesday started with early morning PT and a surprise gig line. Staff officers DID check guns and mags as expected, and Kev passed. Cleaning them the other night after range paid off! He did not get gigged. The rest of the morning was a lecture on how the taser guns work and what they do to the body. Then it was finally time to go out and give them a feel :)

Kev wasn't too concerned about being gassed on Sunday and almost seemed excited and anxious leading up to the taser yesterday. He is definitely most uncomfortable with the idea of being pepper sprayed on Friday. However, it sounds like his mind changed about the taser when he said it was the worst 5 seconds he had experienced. He said a few of the ex-military cadets barely made a sound, some of the girls cried out, and he mimicked the loud"ughhahhhhh" sound he made. He said one girl yelled, "Fuuuuuuu...ouchhhh". That made me laugh ;) She and every one else are so brave! It sounds like it was a rough day. Kev said he went towards the end so he saw all the different reactions leading up to his turn. There were a few different ways you could be tased, so everyone had a different reaction depending on which way they took it and which voltage. One guy elected to do the barbs with the highest voltage and received a commendable (opposite of a gig). After all the tasing out on the field, Kev said he actually felt good later that night - as in his body felt loose and relaxed. He said staff said it might make them feel better after and Kev said he thought it actually did.

After being tased, the cadets went over use of force policies. Kev says that he definitely understands why the Academy feels that each Officer-To-Be should experience the different enforcement tactics for themselves - gas, taser, and pepper spay. He said it definitely gives you a better understanding of how it feels and how the body reacts so you can make the appropriate decision out in the field. After being tased, Kev said he now knows how it feels and wouldn't want someone else to have to experience that unless absolutely necessary.

This has certainly been an exciting week for stories. We finally had a good amount of time to chat last night after Kev had liberty. He was off around 6 PM and went to a sit down dinner with another cadet. He said they ordered steaks and loved being served during the week! He called me after and it was so nice to talk to him and really catch up. With late nights and the last two weekends cut short, I really miss him. He is my best friend. When our time and calls are consistent,  I am really comfortable with the Academy. However, when the schedule switches up and our time together is cut short it can be a little tough. I originally thought Friday through Sunday night wasn't enough, and now after losing two Sundays in a row I can't wait for a full weekend with him! I can only imagine how some of the families who live down South feel. They probably haven't been able to see their cadet for a a few weeks now. Kev and I are so lucky we only live an hour from the Academy, so I am thankful for that.

Only one more night of sleeping alone until the man of my dreams is home for the weekend! And this Saturday is our anniversary :) I miss him so much and can't wait to open my front door and see his handsome face standing behind it.

- Mimi

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