Thursday, May 26, 2016

Day 114-115/194

Tuesday - Wednesday, Week 17!
Tuesday was the first day Kev's class didn't have to shine brass around the campus! The seniors have officially passed it on to the junior class and I know Kev is thrilled, along with everyone else I'm sure. He also said there were 18 failures on Monday's test, but those cadets will have a chance to remediate. This week, his class has been learning about emergency management, followed by a test on the new material on Wednesday. Kev said it was a lot of information fed to them quickly, so he spent a couple late nights studying and he passed! Studying always pays off! I think a lot of the testing in the second half of the academy will be this way - learn the material in a couple days and a test will immediately follow.

On Wednesday night, Kev had to remediate his advanced PMA tactics. That was the last test on his plate to remediate, and he passed that too! So exciting! He also said they had another round of surprise room inspections on Monday. Kev's room was untouched and gig free but he said he saw a couple rooms that the staff officers were clearly not happy with. He said he saw one room where the staff officers stacked all the mattress on one of the beds and tied the sheets around the frame!  Kev said there are a lot of standards but if you just get the hang of it and make it a practice, it's easier and you avoid tied up sheets! For example, bed making expectations and having all your shoes under your bed with the toes lined up. He says things change pretty quickly though once you become a senior too. Expectations stay about the same but they have worked hard the last few months and earned a little respect in return. He seems to have more conversations with staff officers and talk about them differently now - almost like he likes them ;) Kev is pushing himself as hard as he can and experiencing first hand what it takes to be a CHP officer. With that exertion of physical and mental effort also comes a higher level of respect for his mentors knowing they persevered through the Academy too and have experience on the job.

As for me, I had an interview for a start up company in the East Bay this morning (Thursday), so wish me luck! That would mean no more commuting to the city! I've been commuting from the East Bay to SF for over 3 years now, and finally a great opportunity came up 5 minutes from home. Since Kev is one of the few cadets from Northern California, we are hoping to stay in the area and therefor this job would be a perfect fit! If we do end up moving down South, it is what it is. LA actually has a few scaling start up companies as well, but for now my fingers are crossed!!

Now, I just can't wait for Kev to be off on Friday! We are going up to his family cabin again with a bunch of his family, about 11 of us. We are both really excited and the weekend can't come soon enough. He just needs to pass his memo writing test today and the mid-term on Friday! Almost there. Things are going great, spirits are up, and the weeks are flying by! It definitely helps when the schedule is steady. I know it isn't realistic to expect it to always be like this, as we have learned, but the craziness doesn't last long and we are are always smooth sailing again before we know it! :)

- Mimi

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