Friday, May 13, 2016

Day 102/194 - Scenario Testing

Thursday, Week 15!
Basically the only good thing about this week is that there hasn't been any PT and won't be for two weeks during scenario testing. Everything that goes around comes around though at the academy, after scenarios there will be two weeks of PT 4 days (Mon - Thurs). Kev originally said the break was worth it, but I think we both quickly realized this week has in no way been a break. We have to look at the bright side though, he is still in the top of the class, passed pistol and shotgun certification this week, and is STILL THERE. On his pistol test he received a perfect score! He is strong, and challenges only make you stronger.

I can't write anything about scenario testing other than the fact that Kev is done with the ones this week! Scenarios are taken very seriously, even between the different academy companies since they test at different times. They aren't allowed to talk about it with each other either or it can be considered cheating. I didn't hear from Kev until about 9 PM yesterday and I had been waiting all day for that call to hear how he did! He said they tested all day long but he actually sounded a lot better on the phone last night than he did on Wednesday which was such a relief. Kev will find out today (Friday) if he passed. That means more losing my mind at my desk all day waiting for his text or call ;) With these really important tests, the wait makes me so anxious. I can only imagine how Kev feels. I know he gave it his all and tried his hardest though and that's all I can ask of him. I'm just praying he passed so we can have our much needed weekend together!

Kev also received the letter I sent on Monday :)  He was so grateful for my letters this week and that I surprised him by driving to Sac. He said it really boosted his spirits going into the rest of the week. Sometimes I feel so helpless and I wish there was more I could do to support him while away, so it feels so nice to know how thankful and appreciative he of me. He is honestly such an amazing person and I know he will make a great officer!

Now time to get some work done and wait for the news!

- Mimi

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