Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 103-105/194

Friday - Sunday, Week 15!
Kev passed all 13 scenarios!!! His family and I were so excited when he told us on Friday! I was so relieved when I heard and we could all finallyyy relax. That also meant he got to come home for the weekend! Kev said about 50% of the class did not pass all the scenarios and will have to remediate the ones they didn't pass. I am so thankful Kev did well and was able to come home. His roommates had to stay over the weekend and unfortunately have to remediate, so I can only imagine what they are feeling and how their girlfriends/wives feel too. Kev really wants them to succeed, so we will be sending them a lot of good thoughts!!

Kev says rumor has it that Dream Sheets will be coming out in the next couple of weeks! He promised we could fill out our preferences together :) We are moving in together in August no matter where he ends up and I couldn't be more excited, even if that means packing up and moving down South! It really doesn't matter as long as we are together.. and kitty!

We had a great weekend together. The stress from the week was finally over and we were able to relax. The weather wasn't quite warm enough for the beach, so on Saturday we woke up and went to the gym, then went for lunch and an hour of foot reflexology. After reflexology we walked around a little festival downtown for a bit and met with Kev's parents for dinner. Sunday we went to the gym in the morning and did nothing but lounge around cuddling for the rest of the day. It was perfect! This weekend was exactly the refresh we needed, especially Kev. :)

Coming up this week is one more scenario test! However, we are assuming most of the focus will be on CTC 2-16 this week since their orientation week is now over. Kev says the campus feels packed because that class has about 150 new cadets. Kev's class is now in the 100 'teens'. A couple more cadets have dropped off. The class before his (CTC 3-15) graduated with 78 cadets, so hopefully Kev's class can stay afloat above that count and offer the state a lot of new officers!

We are on to week 16 and his weekly letter is in the mail box bound for West Sacramento!

- Mimi

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