Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Day 106/194 - Start of Week 16!

Monday, Week 16!
Everyday we are closer! I had such a nice weekend with Kev, sometimes it feels like I have him back and then I quickly realize I don't quite yet. I suppose it's a good thing I miss his presence so much though. He truly is my best friend. I've been thinking a lot about life after graduation lately too. These next few months are going to be exciting and unveil a lot about our future. Depending on which office he is assigned to, our life will be so different. If he stays local, we will be close to his family and will find a place to rent together in an area we are familiar with. If he is assigned to LA or elsewhere, we will be packing up and moving to an area completely new to us. This is both exciting and a little scary. My parents actually just sold their home in California and are moving full time to their vacation home in Mexico. I don't have a very big family and just lost my grandma in February, so for me that's already a really big change in my life. I won't hesitate to move where ever Kev has to go, but I keep thinking about how much out life is about to change soon. If we move down South, we will be away from family and when Kev starts working graveyard shifts I will likely not see often since I'll be at work during the day, and I'll be in a town where I don't know anyone.However, everything happens for a reason and I know it will work out. We were so worried about what would happen when he went to the academy and it is nothing like we expected, so I am sure life after will work out as well! It's just easy to get lost in thought about it.

Kev is having a much better week! He is lucky to have a little weight off his shoulders this week though since he passed his scenarios, but unfortunately not everyone is in the same boat. Kev said he is going to help his good cadet friend practice this week, so he warned me he may have some late nights. He even offered his friend his Wednesday liberty to help him practice for the retake on Thursday. He really has a big heart and genuinely wants his friends and peers to succeed. He completely understands how stressful last week was since he experienced it too, so if there is anything he can do to help them feel more prepared, he will. There is also another new scenario this week for everyone, so he has to practice for that as well.

Monday consisted of range and a shooting competition. Kev said the Seniors were also invited to talk with the new class and answer some of their questions. He said they had a lot of questions and asked for advice about being there. He said his biggest piece of advice is that you have to want this with everything you've got.


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