Thursday, May 19, 2016

Day 107-108/194 - Scenarios & Agency Skid Pan Done!

Tuesday & Wednesday, Week 16! 
We have been on cloud 9 this week compared to last! On Tuesday, they began advanced officer safety training. Basically, wrestling. Kev said it was pretty fun but he has a couple new bruises. Don't expect the academy to return your guy in the same shape as you dropped him off in ;) Kev still has a burn on his neck from the taser, new bruises all the time, and is pretty thin! Even though he is thin, they are always doing a ton of push ups, so his chest, back, and arms do look pretty strong. This is SO going to go to his head when he reads this! Haha, soak it in Kev.

As of Wednesday, Scenarios are over for us! Kev passed the final two on the first try also.  He amazes me more and more everyday, and I am so grateful for his drive. 

Thursday is scheduled for scenario test remediation, so we are sending lots of good thoughts to Kev's roommates and buddies remediating! He says there isn't much on the schedule for those not remediating so he may just study and make note cards if he can.

MORE good news, Kev passed his agency specific skid pan test this week too! He had been practicing and the officers were letting cadets take a shot at getting certified early if they felt comfortable, so Kev went for it and passed! We have to celebrate all his achievements this weekend. I am such a proud girlfriend!

I can't believe we are done with scenarios and skid pan, especially considering those were said to be some of the toughest portions of the academy that can attribute to attrition. In that case, it felt so good to get the relieving texts this week saying that he passed. Those are always the best words to hear, and my heart still skips a beat every time I get those texts. Sadly, his class did lose two more cadets this week to scenarios.

As for life at home, I have been working a lot, exercising and doing well with my diet too - until the weekends when Kev comes home and we veg out a little ;)  I also have a lot on my mind. My parents sold their home in the East Bay and are moving to their vacation home in Mexico next month - ready to kick start their retired life. That means a lot of packing, and a lot of the two of them running around all hectic and in a hurry to get the house ready for the new owners. In light of that, I am really excited to start looking for a place for Kev and I to live soon too!! I can't wait to find out where we are going. So many changes are about to happen in these next couple of months. At times it can be a little overwhelming but I am just taking life and the academy one day at a time.

What an exciting week so far! :)

- Mimi

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