Monday, May 23, 2016

Day 109-112/194

Thursday - Sunday, Week 16!
Last week was a crazy but exciting week for us! Kev accomplished so much! He officially passed all scenarios and agency skid pan on the first try. He amazes me everyday. His roommates and friends also passed remediation, so we are happy to continue our journey with them. Sadly, another cadet was sent home due to scenarios though.

After the achievements of such a long week, the weekend vibe was just as great . Kev and I were both in a great mood and the weekend felt long and fulfilling. We relaxed, ate, spent time with family, watched movies, studied and caught up on a weeks worth of cuddling! It was perfect. Sunday we slept in until abut 10:30am. Normally Kev would jump up and tell me we wasted too much of the day, but this Sunday was much needed and he didn't say a thing about it!

Saying goodbye on Sunday was hard, but I always remind myself what Kev told me - every goodbye is another week closer to our goal. This coming week Kev will have a lot of tests and most importantly his 'midterm' on Friday. This week acts as a bookmark in the new academy structure. Passing the tests this week means that if you for whatever reason fail out later in the course of the academy, you can start from this halfway point rather than the very beginning. However, we hope to never have to start over from any point.

13 weeks left! It sounds so close, yet so far at the same time. We just need to keep our heads up and keep pushing.

Kev's war bag, roses for his girl, and a welcome home from kitty :)
- Mimi

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