Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Day 99/194 - Week 15 & He Is A Senior!

Monday, Week 15!
I miss Kev so much this week because we were so busy this weekend that it felt like we didn't get anytime to enjoy each other one on one. When ever we get a lot of time together over the weekend, we are both really content and at ease during the week, but if we don't it can sometimes throw us off. The weekends depict a lot. We both had a stressful week and you could tell we weren't ourselves. Sometimes it takes a little downtime to unwind from a hard week and we just don't have that. So, I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We have no plans and just want to get away and enjoy our time together other. We are thinking of packing up and heading to the beach on Saturday with just the two of us. I can't wait.

Even though I am anxious for the weekend, I know Kev has a lot to get through this week. On Monday he had his shotgun certification and passed. He isn't new to shooting, so I think that may have been a comfortable test for him to pass. Although he has said that he is learning a lot more about guns at the academy that he didn't know. He also had Code 3 shotgun training and a night time shooting test yesterday that he really enjoyed. The night training is understandable, but because it has to be dark out it runs his days pretty late. He didn't get a chance to call me until almost 11 PM last night. I had gone to a Giants game with a couple girlfriends so I happened to be awake, but some nights I really try to wait up for him even when I'm tired. I wouldn't sleep well without hearing from him and we have talked every since the day I met him, so we both try to talk to each other if we can. Sometimes when the nights run late we cut it short though so that he can prepare for the next day and get some rest. The blue tooth really helps us because he can talk to me and shine his boots, brass, or make note cards. It really has been a savior!

He also had scenario practice yesterday and will the next couple of days before scenario testing on Thursday and Friday. If cadets don't pass at the end of the week, they were told the only remediation day is Saturday - all day. So he is going to work hard this week and pass for us! I know he can do it. Everyone at home will be sending him good thoughts.

It is clear the pace has significantly picked up and the testing is getting harder now and more involved. Testing is starting to combine hands on work with all areas of knowledge rather than a just a multiple choice test. The academy compresses the knowledge of a career in law enforcement into six months of training and success is vital. I know Kev can make it. Sending lots of love and good thoughts to West Sacramento this week and praying we get our day on the beach together.

- Mimi

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