Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 89-91/194 - Tear Gas

Friday - Sunday, Week 13!
Friday was Senior graduation day! Even typing that gives me a little adrenaline and excitement! Kev said everyone was in a great mood and like our experience on Orientation Day it was his turn to greet guests with "Good Morning Maam" or "Good Morning Sir". This day gave us both a little added drive and excitement for what lies ahead!

Kev said his class had started addressing the Seniors as "Sir" or "Maam" instead of "Cadet" just a few days earlier than when they received their badges and became Officers. Kev said you could see the appreciation on their faces. He said he and his classmates know how hard it is and what it takes to get to where they are, and they deserve the respect. It was a mutual understanding between both classes.

When Kev got home on Friday night he treated me to a nice dinner with just the two of us and we spent the rest of the night just enjoying each other's company. In the morning, we packed up and headed back up to Sacramento for my friend's wedding. We had such a nice evening, but it felt like the night was over before we knew it and Kev was running out the door to make it back to the academy by 12 PM for tear gas.

Kev and the cadets were gassed around 1 PM and he text me around 3 PM saying he would call me soon. Now that the new Junior class is about to come in, Kev says staff keeps telling them to not share too much so that they can experience things for the first time. In that case, maybe I'll be a little vague in what he told me about Sunday. However, he was fine! He said it was unpleasant and felt longer than it actually was - everyone's noses were a little runny and it was hard to breathe for a few minutes afterwards. He said his skin felt a hot and tingly but all in all, he was okay not long after and into the night. He washed those clothes separately at the academy rather than mixing them with his other laundry and bringing them home. Ultimately, our goal for him was to be a leader. Not to break or lose his composure when he heard others coughing or struggling. He didn't and said he did really well.  Next up is the taser on Wednesday and pepper spray on Friday. I had those days mixed up originally. At least I'll be able to take care of him Friday night. Kev is not looking forward to the pepper spray, but almost seems excited for the taser. He can't even take eye drops without panicking, so Friday should be entertaining for all ;) He hates things near his eyes!

Kev warned me on Sunday that he may have late nights this week. His class is the only one on campus now and they are practicing for scenario testing to start next week. I like when he gives me a little warning so I know not to wait for his call. I really want him to practice and push hard this week in preparation for scenarios. Kev is amazing, so even though I should worry about him I never do. I trust him and believe in him, which helps me so much while he is at the academy. I rarely worry about him, which is nice so that I can be supportive and motivating in other ways. He just got his new ranking on Sunday too and moved up a few more spots in his class. I am so proud of him everyday!

- Mimi

Congratulations to CTC 3-15! 
You worked hard and you earned it. Be all you can be and we hope to see you out there soon!

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