Friday, April 29, 2016

Day 88/194

Thursday, Week 13!
Friends and family of Seniors were on campus on Thursday and were even able to enjoy lunch in the chow hall with their cadets. Kev said the week has been inspiring and has really amped up his motivation. This second half of the academy as a Senior will be another milestone and new beginning. Three more months to devote yourself and give it everything you've got. Kev has amazed me with how well he has done up to this point and despite our initial fears when we started, we have become even closer as a couple. I can't wait to see how well he does in the months to come!

I pictured family, wives and girlfriends of the seniors in my head and imagined how great they must feel to have reached the end. I never mean to leave out boyfriends and husbands - I know there are cadets who are women too and deserve just as much recognition. I am just writing from my perspective as a girlfriend, but I am sure the feelings for them are similar too:) Even though the grads will begin their field training soon and likely have night shifts for a bit, at least they are home! I really can't wait for us to experience this week. I feel so excited and it isn't even us! I can only imagine how they feel :)

Kev had range for 4 hours in the morning and said they had a friendly shooting contest too. Shoot a few rounds, hit the target in a certain amount of time, yada yada. Good times... until... gun inspections!! With all the tests and short weekend, apparently almost all the cadets had dirty guns. They are supposed to thoroughly clean them after each use. Kev did receive a gig for his gun not being clean enough. He said 'filthy' guns received an automatic Wednesday restriction and a few of those were handed out as well. Range was followed by an in class lecture on enforcement tactics and scenarios on this will be held after graduation today (Friday). These will be just practice though. I believe real scenarios begin the week the next class starts at the academy.

Kev's day ended by setting up the gymnasium for the graduation ceremony the next day. His class also all received their assignments for the graduation. It sounds similar to the cadets on orientation day who were there greeting us and directing us around the campus. Unfortunately, Kev is stationed somewhere where he won't be able to see the ceremony. One good thing though - no Friday PT! ;)

Speaking of orientation. There are voluntary sign up sheets to work the CTC 2-16 orientation day next Sunday. Kev said everyone has been a little reluctant to volunteer though, considering last weekend was cut short and this Sunday they also have to report back around noon to be tear gassed. Two short weekends in a row makes everyone a little hesitant to drop their name on the roster! It is also on Mother's Day. However, I'm sure they will get their volunteers one way or another ;) I don't blame Kev for wanting to be home though, especially with next week's schedule:

Sunday -> Tear Gas
Wednesday -> Pepper Spray
Friday -> Taser

The poor guy is going to be hurting next weekend!! We have a wedding this Saturday though and will squeeze in a little fun before the tough week ahead. Only one more day to get through before he comes home!!

- Mimi

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