Thursday, April 7, 2016

Day 65-67 /194

Tuesday - Thursday, Week 10!

Kev's week has been going great! He confirmed that the seniors graduate on May 29th! That is going to be an amazing feeling for Kev and his class when they become seniors. I can' even believe that chapter of the academy is approaching. Even though it isn't his graduation, it is another little milestone that makes us feel accomplished and like the finish line is even closer!

This week at the academy:

- This week the cadets are learning about arresting minors, felony arrests, and how to handle a victim. They participate in scenarios and learn as a class how each individual could have done better. Kev volunteered for a scenario handling a victim.

- There will be 4 tests next week, likely on what I mentioned above but I'll double check. So, looks like we'll need to study hard this weekend

- More PT, PMA and range

- Kev and the other fountain cadets have been practicing everyday

- On Wednesday, the cadets continued training on basic stops and got to drive the Crown Vics for the first time! They practiced pulling people over and all the steps involved, including using lights and sirens! This was probably the second most excited Kev has been since their first day shooting at the range ;)


Kev says that he is feeling more of a transition from classroom work to hands-on training now and is pretty excited about it. This Friday, the other company gets the day off while Kev and his company begin EVOC in-class training. On Monday, his company starts the actual driving! EVOC can be an intimidating part of the academy as it is a well known high contributing factor to attrition. Kev says a few retreads are nervous for it but his personal spirit and enthusiasm towards EVOC training is currently at a high. He seems to be more excited and anxious to get started than anything. However, it is completely understandable how some cadets giving it a second shot could have some anticipation. I couldn't imagine getting as far into the academy as some of them and then having to start all over. I give it to them though for going after it again and I'm sure their determination to pass this time will get them through it. That couldn't have been easy for them or their family. It has been pretty exciting talking with Kev at night and catching up about the academy as the hands on training picks up, but the farther into it we go it does become even more pressing that Kev is successful at everything he is taught in order to avoid that scenario ourselves. His energy and spirit towards the academy puts me at ease though. I have complete faith and confidence in him and trust that he will make it through every challenge he faces. We are going to make it to August 12th, no matter what!

Also... today is our anniversary! :)

Happy Anniversary babe! Missing you and thinking you all day today. You are my best friend and soul mate. You make me so proud every day! I love you endlessly.

- Mimi

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