Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 59-60/194

Here are a few bullet points for the last couple days to make for an easy Friday read:)

Wednesday, Week 9!

- The Junior cadets are almost done with post testing!

- Staff officers said that Kev's company is getting lazy so PT stepped up a notch.

- Kev was inspected and got away without a gig this time! Woop wooopppp!

- He justttttt barely passed his vehicle code test. A solid reminder not to get too comfortable just because you're breezing through tests with A's. Study and prepare for each one! Don't risk being on the bubble, lesson learned with our first close call.

- Kev had liberty so he went out with a few other cadets for pizza. They enjoyed getting out and laughing over stories of how skinny their families say they are getting ;)

- Early paycheck for all cadets

- Update: The class is actually down to 123 cadets from 131. I think those statistics are still better than previous classes at this point, but we still have a ways to go!

Thursday, Week 9!

- Kev volunteered to be part of the fountain ceremony! Just enough cadets volunteered and they had their first practice Thursday night. It is such an honor and I am so proud of Kev for being a part of it! The only downfall is that he will be practicing the ceremony some days when other cadets will practice PMA, but that's okay!

- Friday morning the entire class has their first FULL PERIMETER RUN!! 5 Miles!

Can't wait for another weekend and next week is #10! For some reason, 10 sounds like we are finally making progress towards the finish line!!

- Mimi

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