Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Day 58/194 - Start of Week 9!

Tuesday, Week 9!
I can't believe it is already week 9. Even though we still have a long road ahead, I can still remember when Kev and I were anticipating February 1st and now it is about to be April. We both agree that the days move slow but the weeks fly by.

Tuesday started out with PT since Kev's company had Monday off. He said they ran half the perimeter which equates to approximately 3 or 4 miles. After a long weekend of rest and holiday food, the run was a little tiring for Kev. There is another big PT test coming up in a couple weeks to measure progress, so I think this weekend Kev may sign up for a gym membership so he can continue to train on weekends. We cancelled his membership when he went to the academy, but we are starting to think that working out more together on weekends may be beneficial even if that means paying for a monthly membership he won't be able to entirely utilize. Driving down to the reservoir for a run can be a little out of the way, and Kev is really leaning up at the academy so he wants access to weights as well (where staff officers aren't watching and assuming they need a tougher PT session if they are using the weight room).

Kev also heard that two more cadets quit yesterday. I believe that now brings the class down to 126 but I'll have to double check. One cadet had an injured leg and quit because he wasn't approved by medics to continue. The other cadet didn't think the academy/CHP was for him. Kev said this cadet sat in from of him in PT and they were just chatting that morning but he didn't mention anything about wanting to quit or Kev would have tried to talk him out of it. Kev said the story of why people quit spreads throughout the academy because someone tells their roommate and their roommate tells someone else, and down the ladder it goes. The story seemed a little personal and I have no idea how accurate it is, so I'll let it end with me but I wish those two the best in their future endeavors. Kev says that if you quit and later decide you would like to give it another shot, you have to go through the entire application process again from the beginning and can't just sign up to remediate with the next academy class like you can if you fail out. With all the other eager applicants, it is also unlikely that you will be selected again once they see in your file that you voluntarily left the academy. In that case, Kev said the Staff Office was upset that the cadet didn't come to them before deciding to quit and told the class to come speak with them if they start having any doubts. They really want to help cadets graduate and become officers if they can.

That was it for Tuesday. I took a late Yoga class last night that wasn't out until 9:30 PM and Kev was beat from the long morning run and shining brass that evening, so we didn't talk for too long so we could both get to bed. There are no tests for the rest of the week or next week though, so this weekend he will be able to relax and not have to study. He also said he thinks he did well on his VC test that he took in the morning, but he hasn't received his score yet. Fingers crossed!

I also sent him another little motivational letter in the mail yesterday, so I'm hoping it arrives before end of week! Usually it only takes a couple days. I found this really pretty stationary a while ago that came with teal envelopes, so Kev says he stops the mail cadet when he spots a teal envelope in his stack of white ones ;)

- Mimi

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