Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Thoughts and Prayers Today #20154

Thoughts and prayers to Officer Taylor's family today during the memorial service in Roseville. Wishing them the strength to move forward in peace.  #20154

Reading the news and seeing the pictures of the service today is truly touching. I feel so deeply for the family and friends that Officer Taylor left behind and send them all my best thoughts and wishes on such a difficult day. Kev and the cadets are there watching today. Wishing Kev strength too and praying for a long, safe career for all of CTC 1-16 and all other law enforcement officers. Seeing the pictures of everyone united in memory of a fallen peace officer is beautiful and inspiring. It extends beyond law enforcement family, into the community, to people who spent their lives with Taylor and to those who only had a passing moment with him. He was clearly a great man who left behind numerous memories of his acts of kindness and his mark on the world as a hero. I am so proud that Kev gets to be a part of such an admirable world and grateful that our lives will soon be surrounded by people who dedicate their lives to better the lives of others and to make the world a more peaceful place for us all. In light of the news in Brussels and the sullen remembrance of Officer Taylor this morning, it is beautiful to see love and unity so close to home today.

Photos of the memorial service

"In a gentle way, you can shake the world."
- Gandhi

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