Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day 53-57 /194

Thursday - Monday - Our 4 Day Weekend!
Thursday was an exciting day for Kev! His company had some time at the range with the shotgun. They practiced getting out of the squad car and shooting a few rounds at a moving target. Kev said he was commended for his calmness and agility during the exercise but told to speed it up a bit. Compliments are rare at the academy, so it is always a confidence booster to get one. He seems to really enjoy the range and the range staff. He did say that one cadet accidentally put a shotgun bullet in his pocket and didn't realize it until later. Instead of returning it to the staff office, he returned it to the staff officers when they were having lunch. The staff officers aren't allowed to bother cadets when they are eating, so since they were interrupted during their lunch they apparently laid into him! Kev says they have immunity if they find a bullet on them and report it to the staff office with in 24 hrs. The trip to and from the staff office is when they are immune, but this guy missed the memo. Kev said it is the same kid we noticed at orientation whose mom kept asking a million questions on his behalf. Kev remembers him, so I wonder if the Sergeant does too. Word to the wise, don't have your parents ask questions for you during orientation. If you have a question, speak up. You'll likely earn the respect of your peers for asking, and likely everyone else is wanting to know the answer too ;) Another lesson learned, is what to do with your range shoes when you have only minutes to change out your shoes and run to range. Apparently some cadets had been leaving their uniform boots behind the chow hall during range and swapping them out after. However, it rained last week and Kev said their boots were soaked. Kev was already worried the staff officers would have some fun with the boots lined up back there, so he didn't do it. The boots were left untouched, but at least he ended up with dry boots because of his paranoia ;) I had given him an old pillow case and he just keeps that in his war bag now to wrap his boots in and just keeps them in his bag with him. It works for him so far.

Anyhow, our 4 day weekend started on Thursday night and it was perfection! It was absolutely what we both needed and today I feel so at peace with the academy and the time we have left there. The weekend acted as a refresh button for us both. I'm sure we will need another refresh at some point in the future, but for now I'm savoring this moment of bliss! On Saturday, Kev and I went to Monterey and Carmel. We explored Asilomar Beach but woke up a little late and missed the low tide. We will have to catch the tide pools another day soon. Then we went to Lovers Point for a bit, walked Cannery Row, had lunch at the Fish Hopper and walked down to Fisherman's Warf. Afterwards, we drove across to Carmel for a little time at another beach and to grab dinner before heading home. Sunday we had a lovely day with both of our families together and his new baby nephew who we are absolutely in love with. We used the rest of the weekend to enjoy each other's company and to study vehicle code for the big exam on Tuesday.

Heres to Week 9!!


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