Monday, March 7, 2016

Day 33-35/194

Friday, Week 5!
Kev text me before I was even home for the day and told me he was on his way home to see his girl. Every Friday when he is let out of class, he runs to his room, throws what he needs into his bags, runs to be one of the first to sign out, and heads home to me. Again, I can't tell you how excited I get when I know he is at my door. Sometimes I even wait a moment to open it, and then pull him in for the tightest hug. That moment is everything.

Kev said Friday was a fun day. He had PT in the morning and is improving a lot, but he still has his marshmallow shirt. He said a few guys earned back their CHP shirts, but he still feels he is working harder than some that earned it back. In the end, we aren't too concerned because Kev reminded me that earning it back means making 6 more perfectly stenciled and measured PT shirts!

He also had law enforcement tactics with scenarios on Friday. He explained that an officer dressed in a padded red man suit sets up a scenario in the gym, and the cadets act out the appropriate use of force. One scenario Kev described was an upset customer at the DMV. Depending on the actions of the 'customer', the cadet in the scenario would need to respond appropriately and know when to, if at all, draw and use a particular weapon.

Kev also got to go to the range, but didn't get to shoot any live ammo. They have only been practicing holding their guns out for long periods of time lately, and Friday they got to shoot but without ammo. They learned to load and unload the gun, draw their weapon, eject the magazine, and different forms of muscle memory. It sounded like an exciting, action packed day. The cadets are finally getting into more hands on courses to mix in with their class work.

Saturday & Sunday!
We stayed in again this weekend because of the rain. Saturday is usually always errands, so we ran loads of laundry and went to Big 5 to pick Kev up a pair of cheap range boots. Apparently, the range is really dusty and he was told that they didn't have to wear their shined uniform boots out there. As long as the heel and toe could be shined, they were within policy and he could wear them to the range without ever hanging to worry about shining them back up. In that case he found a great pair of laced/side zip up boots for only $30.

We visited with family again this weekend and laid low enjoying each other's company. This weekend wasn't great for us though. The stress of the academy weighed on us a little. Some days are definitely harder than others. For instance, I put Kev's PT sweats in the washer on hot by accident and he got a little flustered when he noticed and we couldn't pull them out to avoid them possibly shrinking. Thankfully they were okay, and he apologized. It was no big deal, but sometimes it takes him time to unwind when he gets home from academy life. There is always a short period where he is high strung before he just relaxes with me. I was also a little cranky though and really broke down on Sunday. I read the end of "Cadet Blues" out loud to Kev in bed a couple hours before he had to head back to the academy. I started crying reading it. I just wish we could be to the end of this journey as quickly as the book ended. I was crying because while I was reading I was picturing Kev walking though the CHP star in the gym toward the center stage while I watched him, but the road ahead is daunting. We looked at the calendar after reading to see how far there was to go and the intimidation of the scrolling it took to get to August made me cry even more. I want this more than anything for Kev, but not having him around and not being able to talk to him during the day is so hard. He is my best friend. My parents are also selling their East Bay home and permanently moving to their vacation home in Mexico this summer. Since we have a very small family and I just lost my grandma, this has been pretty hard on me. I definitely feel a little lonely lately. However, I'll never let Kev give up and come home, and he knows that. I know he loves me and would be by my side if he could. He left me another hidden note that I found after he left, I put this one in my wallet to read when I need it next. Graduating the academy means both of our dreams can finally come true and we can start a life together that we only dream of now. We will make it together.

- Mimi

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