Thursday, March 3, 2016

Day 31/194

Wednesday, Week 5!
I sent Kev a letter on Monday and he said he received it and it made his day. I love sending him letters and knowing how good they make him feel when he gets them. I never tell him when I send one so it comes as a surprise. He said his roommates never get any letters, so they teased him when mine arrived and told him it was a break up note... boys. He got his letter just before his first Wednesday night restriction. Restriction was from 5:45 PM to 8:45 PM, and the subject of the memo they had to write was 'honesty'. Kev said the memo took about two hours to complete. He typed it up on his laptop first, and then transcribed it into the handwritten memo format to avoid any changes or errors. He messed up once and since it's in pen, he had to start over. After his memo was complete, he said he started studying his next learning domain that he has a test on next week. He doesn't have any more tests for this week which is nice.

Kev received a 92.5% on the lawful arrest test he took on Tuesday! He did well, just like he thought! The threshold to pass was 81% and he said 6 cadets failed. Those cadets have one more chance to take the test and pass or they are out. Even though the cadets still have 5 months to go, I can't imagine the pressure of having to take that test again knowing that if you fail you have to wait for the next academy start date and start all over again from pick up day. I told Kev he better study as hard as he can for every test and keep getting passing scores so he never has the pressure of having to take a test that will make or break his stay at the academy. I don't want that stress either! Going through this once is hard enough for us both, I couldn't imagine starting over.

After Kev told me about restriction and passing his test, we FaceTimed while he shined his boots and had a lighter conversation about how much we miss each other and which days of the week are the easiest for missing each other. He had such a long day on Monday that there was so much to tell me about that night. I love hearing about it and hearing the energy he exerts when telling me about each part of his day, but sometimes it can be a little overwhelming when I wait all day to hear his voice. Sometimes, I need some normalcy in our conversation and I think last night was a mutual understanding. I know he gets me. However, since it was a lighter conversation I didn't get much detail about his day; PT, the ceremony, etc. So, I'll have to follow up tonight (Thursday) after I hit the gym and do some shopping for when he comes home. I realized the academy is spoiling him, so oatmeal or scrambled eggs in the morning at home doesn't quite compare. In that case, I plan to go shopping for some good breakfast food and dinner to make him for the weekend:) Surprisingly, he seems to really like the food at the academy... I have competition! For the record, in between all the sausage and grits he is eating it seems that running everywhere and all the PT is noticeably making a difference. He is down weight and his chest and arms are so much bigger. All those push ups have made such a physical change. He won't stop flexing his pecks and I keep catching him doing it! He reads this too, so I'm sure this is going to inflate his ego even more;) Don't forget who chased who in the beginning babe!

- Mimi

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