Monday, March 14, 2016

Day 40-42/194

Friday, Saturday & Sunday! Week 6!
We had a great weekend! On Friday, Kev had class and a little more time at the range. He is loving the range and gets to go back Monday morning too. Sounds like the range will be implemented into his daily cadence from now on and will be a nice way to break up a long day of class work.

Kev also found out that 1/3 of the class failed the 'use of force' test last week. That was the one that the cadets had to get 100% on. Kev received 100% but said he could understand how so many people missed questions. He said the material wasn't covered for very long in class and the wording of the questions were easy to get stuck on. For example, the multiple choice options would be "a. Shall not b. Should not c. May not" - They all sound similar but legally they are entirely different. Kev said you just can't overthink the questions or you can easily get caught up second guessing yourself, and he almost did too. I hope the cadets do well on the make up test. The academy and state can't afford to lose that many potential officers.

He also did more work with the redman using fake batons. In one scenario, Kev said the redman came at him and he wacked him with the baton, hitting him right in the elbow where the suit pads didn't have full coverage. He said the redman dropped his arm because it hurt. I think Kev secretly loved a little staff officer pay back. Although he does say he really likes the redman instructor and that he is one of the more down to Earth officers. Fortunately, the cadets had head gear on and were taking turns one by one, so the staff officer doesn't know who got him ;) What a job getting hit with a baton by gigged, hungry, tired cadets all day, it's no surprise it's an officer with a good spirit!

Anyways, next week is packed with tests! Kev says the pace is definitely picking up and it's getting a little harder for him to turn back on "academy mode" when it is time to go back. On Saturday we went for a run in the rain around the reservoir and though Kev won't admit it, I kept up! He did great with all the training he has been doing at the academy. We decided since he doesn't have a gym membership right now, that might be our new weekend workout routine. After our run and the usual loads of laundry, we went out to dinner with my family and then met up with a couple friends. We ended up sleeping in on Sunday until 11 AM and Kev woke up in a bit of a panic that we wasted the day. I reminded him that the clocks went forward, but he just doesn't like to sleep in so long when we could be spending the day together rather than sleeping in and wasting time before he has to leave. We woke up, picked up a couple sandwiches and visited with Kev's family for the day. We had a really nice time catching up with them and seeing their home remodel come along. We also switched out some of the clothes Kev keeps at my house and had a little nerf gun fight in the hallway. Kev and his brother's collection of nerf guns is pretty impressive and I think his time at the range made him a little more detailed as he went over the specs of each gun with me. It was hilarious! It was a good gun fight, but of course he let me win :)

After a little studying when we got home, Kev headed back to the academy. Since we had such a nice weekend, it was a little easier to let him go this time. However, I already can't wait to see him next! He hid my note a little too hard this time too and it took me forever to find it! I LOVE him :)

Next week's test schedule:
Monday - Concealed Weapons
Tuesday: Custody (After you arrest someone, what do you do)
Wednesday: Midterm
Thursday: An agency specific test but I forget which one

Wishing Kev and the other cadets the best of luck this week! On to week 7!

- Mimi

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