Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 52/194

Wednesday, Week 8!
This Wednesday started out with PT which seems to be getting easier and easier for Kev. After PT, he took his systems and database test and said he thinks he did better than he expected. The study material was tough, but apparently it all came together when it came to the multiple choice. He was told the entire class passed, which is great!

I forgot to mention that Kev also received his brass name plate this week! This is pretty exciting because we have made it far enough for the CHP to spend a few bucks to engrave his name on a brass name tag and let him toss out his laminated paper name tag! The shine process is crazy though because the tag doesn't arrive "academy shiny" -> heat and melt down the plastic coating, shine brass as normal, then heat blue crayon to fill in the name crevices were the brass cleaner rubbed off the fill color. Kev said this is apparently an old military trick and all law enforcement know it too. I think his roommate who is a retread showed him how to do it.

He also said that the after lunch when they arrived back in class and were standing waiting for it to start, one cadet was chewed out by the Chief. Apparently he is a nervous smiler and the Chief noticed him smiling, called him to the front of class and asked him what was so funny and if he should go "10-8" on him, aka. for the Chief to clock in on his butt! The answer is Sir NO WAYYYY Sir! ;) The funny thing is that the book "Cadet Blues" talks about a nervous smiler too and how the female cadet gets chewed out for it all the time. So, if you come to the academy kick that habit! Kev never read the book but I always tell him when he tells me a story that is similar. Most of the stories and characters are spot on! I'm sure the staff officers notice the same type of cadets in each class too.

As for restriction - Kev was let out early around 7 pm and thankfully there was no memo due. He was able to go back to his room, wrap up his first draft of his autobiography and start working on more VC note cards while we talked on the phone.

Thursday is the last day for us to get through and then we have a 4 day weekend together! We need it too, I have been a littleeee crazy this week. I have a good mindset about the academy, respect it and know wholeheartedly that there is no one else I want to spend my life with other than Kev. However, I can't help but need a little reassurance sometimes and spending time in his arms is the ultimate reassurance.

Have a wonderful Easter with your families and I'll write an update on our weekend next week! We will be enjoying our time off and studying for the big vehicle code test on Tuesday! :)


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