Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Day 36/194 - Start of Week 6!

Monday, Week 6!
Well, Monday at work was less than 'outstanding' as Kev would say. I may consider new options soon or maybe I just need to hurry up and book that trip to Europe with my girlfriend.Two weeks in Europe will surely help make two academy weeks fly by. For me at least:(

Anyhow, Kev wasn't off too late. Fortunately, he didn't have PT either. Apparently the 'senior' class is getting special attention lately. In that case, PT was cancelled for Kev's class and rescheduled for Tuesday but was then cancelled again. I'm sure the class wasn't too upset. Instead of PT, Kev's class practiced PMA again in the morning and then had class on concealed weapons and what constitutes a concealed weapon. Most of his day was inside class work, and they wrapped up the day on the drill pad with the sergeant. Kev doesn't particularly love drill, but understands the teamwork aspect of it and that the class needs to look good marching on graduation. Six months of drill practice later, I sure hope so! He also says that the staff office is full now that everyone is back from vacation, but the officers have been laying off inspections a little in the rain. Regardless, Kev and his roommates hide in the safety of their rooms most evenings and study / avoid gigs.

On Tuesday, Kev has a test on search and seizure which is supposed to be another tough one. He was telling me that there are two types of tests at the academy, posts tests which are like SATs and agency specific tests, which are specific to the CHP. He has an agency specific test later in the week on when you can use force. Everyone needs to get a 100% on this test to pass, which makes perfect sense. That's about it for our Monday though. If the days start getting a little cyclical, I'll probably start writing weekly. I told Kev I need more good stories, but I am happy to hear that there aren't any of anyone getting into trouble. His class is doing great so far!

- Mimi

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