Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Day 37/194

Tuesday, Week 6!
Yesterday, was an exciting day because Kev's sister-in-law went into labor! She was right on time, and her water broke exactly on the due date. Kev doesn't have his phone all day, so it was more big news that we had to go all day without being able to tell him. His family sent a group text to keep all of us updated, so Kev was so excited when he saw the message in the evening. However, it was Tuesday so right after he had a quick chance to check his phone and get the great news, he had to grab a rag and go shine the brass around the academy for an hour! He said he was so excited and couldn't believe he was shining door knobs at a time like that! ;) Anyhow, he called his mom right after he was done to get details and then called me to share his excitement and tell me about his day!

Kev didn't have the make-up PT session, so his class "voluntarily" practiced PMA again in the gym... early! They had breakfast and then more class on search and seizure. After class the cadets had PMA with the instructors, but Kev said it was mostly practice and review of everything they have learned thus far. They ran over to class on use of force and then took their test on search and seizure. Kev said he felt pretty confident about the test. Then he went back to the room before heading out to shine brass. He says his week has been filled with mostly class time and studying. The exciting thing is that we expect a baby today (Wednesday!!) AND soon to be Uncle Kev has liberty!


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