Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day 43-44/194 - Start of Week 7!

Monday & Tuesday, Week 7 - Remembering Officer Taylor
This has been a busy and solemn week for Kev and the cadets at the academy. In the midst of preparing for 4 tests this week, a CHP Officer was struck by a car and killed. Officer Nathan Taylor was hit on Saturday and passed away on Sunday. Kev said there hasn't been a new name added to the fountain in a couple years, so it is a somber time. On Monday, Kev wasn't done with his day until about 8:30 PM. After receiving the news about the officer, they had to shine the brass around the academy to prepare for the ceremony to be held for the officer the next day. They also had the added pressure to prep their uniforms to perfection to show their respect.

On Tuesday, the ceremony was held in the morning with all chains of command of CHP present. The widow also came to the campus. Sadly, the officer who passed also left behind three teenage boys. Kev said the commissioner took the time to walk his family, including his grandparents around the academy where he was once a cadet. Kev said it was a hard day and definitely sobering for everyone. I can't imagine the pain his family is feeling right now and we send them all our thoughts and prayers. Soon a new plaque will be added to the fountain, and the bell will be rung.

Here is an article and video about the accident and the Bell Ceremony held at the academy.

In light of the terrible loss, Kev did well on his first exams this week. He received a 90% on his concealed weapons test and a 96.6% on his custody test. Even though he passed, he is still pretty hard on himself and says if he isn't getting 100%, he can do better. The cadets also had a surprise baton test on Tuesday and he passed as well. I am so proud of how well he is doing. Sometimes when the days are long like they have been this week, it can weigh on us both when we think of how much time is still left at the academy. In that case, Kev suggests we look forward to some of the smaller things such as the 4 day weekend the cadets get for Easter! I already requested work off because there is no way I am missing that time with him :) We are very excited for a long weekend together!

- Mimi

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